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Very Inconsistent Frame Rates


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I've been playing JK2 for a while and beat it (even with this performance issue). But I'm getting annoyed by it and wanted to get some tips for some settings or any other ideas.


My fps is jumping up and down by about 20fps 4 times every sec (FPS ranges from about 10-120). And it just keeps going crazy, so the game is really choppy. Sometimes if I was lucky, it would stop that and stay in the 50-60's range. But that rarely happens, and I should be getting better performance anyways. Even when i turn settings down it is still terrible. I wouldn't really care that much if it stayed in the 60's as long as it would stay consistent.


System specs:


Dell Pentium 4 1.8 Ghz


512 RAM

80 Gig harddrive

Geforce 3 (30.82 drivers)

Santa Cruz Turtle Beach Sound Card


What I've tried: Overclocking Geforce 3, close background programs and processes, turning down settings in game.

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Hi I had the same. After 5 days of research I found someting. I turned AGP fast-write off (disable) in the BIOS and now my fps is about 90 everywhere. In big fights wit a lot of people i stay at 60. My Audigy EAX is also turned off (that drops drops my fps a lot too)


Try this. Let me know the results.

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