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Level 14 is IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Guest Qui-gon John

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Guest Qui-gon John

This is impossible, The best I have got is down to 50!!! there is no way in hell you can beat all 100 enemies!!! Is there a trick to it or something??? pelase help

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Guest Weasel

There aren't many tricks as far as I know but use Qui because of his ability to heal himself. Try to keep enemies off screen, only taking a few of them on at a time (this only works with some types). Run like crazy to get the droids to follow you then run just close enough for them to swing at you (but miss) and attack right after they swing as this is usually the best time to hit them. Other than that the last few types are fairly easy so take hope.


When in doubt read Darth Warts strategy guide (find a post by him and follow his link) it will probably explain things better.


--The Weasel




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Guest Solrya

All I have to say is keep trying, I had to try level 14 like 10 times, both Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi. But I finally got done with Mace Windu.

Just make sure that the rifle with missile lanchers lanches their missiles before you get them, cause they always pause for some reason. As for the Destroyers, just run around until you got one of them on the screen or have them lined up behind each other, that way, one of them will be dead because of the other. And if you go as Mace Windu, put his saber shield and Saber Throw to good use



"Just because I'm a 15 year-old doesn't mean I can't be a Jedi Knight"



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 (o o) _/

 ( * )/



[This message has been edited by Solrya (edited August 24, 2000).]

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Guest Dave Maul

You get Qui-Gon's healing power by completing Tatooine with max experience. I can't remember off the top of my head what the total is.




Dave Maul

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Guest Qui-gon John

Hey!!! thanks everyone for your help, especially those who lead me to Darth Warts guide, that is I beat it and got the ultimate saber. And speciall thanks to Darth Wart for creating that guide, thanks!!!



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