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Imperialists recruitment

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After what I know we are right now the sixt largest PA in the game. The name says it all: we are an PA that supports the Empire as good as we can. We don't mind if you only can play occastionaly, as long as you does something for the group. We don't have any sight on the Force; we don't care if you are light or dark. We're not an aggresive Pa, altough we will attack if provoked. You have the freedom to do as you like, but we require that you can accept orders by superiors, unleas those orders is outragious. In that case you can talk with some of the leaders, like our founder, Dargo Fett. We have a privat boards were you hopefully will post your opinion. We have also just started a PA newsletter.


For more information and possibly joining visit http://www.avidgamers.com/imperialists


We hope to see you soon!!! :D

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