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You Guys Have No Respect

Guest Yarael Poof

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Guest Yarael Poof

All the Old forum members are the ones who made this place anything that it is so don't talk about how long you have been here because that ain't cool. This was the most successful forum in the whole web practically. So I will leave this forum for good perhaps so long as I have made my point.




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Guest jedihorn1

I'm not trying to slam you man, but just what was the point? You dont like the way the JPB forum is, fine, you wanna promo another forum, thats cool too, but you dont have to slam this one. People can be members of more than one forum. I'm not saying i like this place as much as i used to, but that probably goes a lot with how I dont really need help with JPB and I'm kinda getting tired of it for now. Most of the trouble makers have left here, a lot of the people here now are new(relitivly). Sorry for the rant. smile.gif




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Guest Ben_Kenobi

No respect??!!!??


Perhaps you should look in the miror when you make those points Kid! This board does not give a crap if you are big shot in 10th grade BFD I have graduated college with a BS in Aviation but you do not see me hitting people over the head with it.


You have gone over the line with this post and the reply to your other one.


I have been here a few days more than you(april 12th as 84Elan) and have stayed here even when the council was done away with; granted i was not a member but frankly I lost respect for the council members who simple left after the un-council and Sith made such a stink. Instead of hanging around and helping out many members of the council simply left never to return you included.


You did not stay to defend your home you ran and now you have the nerve to return after all is settled down and say hey this place blows and has no respect, come to a real board? GET BENT!


Do not get me wrong I too have thought many a time of leaving yet I keep comming back. If anything just to help out and answer questions. The rest of the boards on JK.net are just as good as this one that is what keeps me here as it does the rest of knights I am sure.


Go back to your hot shot friends in the 10th grade and don't forget to Thank your Mom next time she takes you and your posse to the mall...Boy.


I apologize to the rest of the board for this Flame. I have been nice to YP in his last two postes but his responce in his last post and this one is out of order.




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[This message has been edited by Ben_Kenobi (edited July 11, 2000).]

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Guest Kurgan

Now just so everybody knows, you guys can continue this 'discussion' off this forum, as we try to keep it clear of flame threads.


Thanks, and I hope you guys can work something out peacefully.



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