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Acid_Rain327, sorry

Guest Qui-gon John

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Guest Qui-gon John

Hey, I am sorry, I did get too excited. I just hate it whent people say anything bad about the dreamcast. reason is becasue one day at gameshark.com, I took this pole....which is the best system, and playstation beat dreamcast by far!!!!! I was outraged. Ever since I have always got reall pissed whenever anyone said anything bad about dreamcast, and especially when they compare the systems and say playstation is better in the end, well just wanted to say sorry, gtg now, bye!!

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Guest Weasel

Granted Dreamcast is better then playstation (I would hope so as its newer) it still comes to a matter of preference. Some people, like myself can't afford the Dreamcast system at the moment nor the price of the games for it. So, that leaves me stuck playing Playstation games. In otherwords, some people out of choice or necesity will stick to playstation and thats their opinion/preference/right without being jumped on for that opinion. I am glad that ammends are being attempted but next time you may wish to think more carefully before jumping all over a total stranger. Just a thought, peace.


--The Weasel




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Guest Acid_Rain327

Appology accepted, man. smile.gif


And just so everyone knows, I own an N64, PSX and Dreamcast, so I'm essentially unbiased. I love all 3 systems and play them regularly.

The only problem I have, is LEC's ploys in all of this; it has nothing to do with the systems JPB is on, or is being ported on.

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