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Royal Guard, Kir Kanos, Carnor Jax Botfiles


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These are the bot files for the Royal Guard, Kir Kanos and Carnor Jax models. The original readme of the models is below.



carnor_jax.bot, kir_kanos.bot, royalguard.bot

carnor_jax.jkb, kir_kanos.jkb, royalguard.jkb


About Botfiles:

All have more or less the same taunts. All are darksiders due to their Imperial allegiance. All are equal in speed, accuracy and weapon skills.



For more info on Carnor Jax, read Crimson Empire 1. For more info on Kir Kanos, read Crimson Empire 1 and Crimson Empire 2. Also try the databank on starwars.com


Author Name:

Chris O'Brien, D.L. on Lucasforums.com





Other files by author:

Jan to Chewie Conversion



Since massassi.net credited me with the Chewbacca model, made by Major Clod, and despite constant emails telling them to change the details, they haven't. Useless bastards. I am including this disclaimer in case anyone gets uppity. I had no input with these models. I didn't help in any way with them. The original author gets full credit in this readme. If you have a problem with the model, call him not me. I'll probably just send a nasty email telling you to learn to read or something along those lines. If I can be bothered to reply. Enjoy the bots.


Additional Info:

With JediMod, all the bots will have double bladed purple lightsabers. I liked the color plus it looks more like a staff. They are tough bots, just the way I like them :)



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