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Missing Menus... ?


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Okay, in some parts of the game the text menu at the bottom dissapears, for example insult sword fighting with Ozzie Mandrill. The specs are:


AMD K6/2 300 (don't laugh, it's my sisters :p)

16mb Voodoo 3 3000 (currently downloading updated ddrivers for it, but I doubt tht will do alot)

128mb SD RAM


Monkey Island 1.1 Patch, running in D3D (OpenGL doesn't seem to work, it crashes and exits to desktop on the main menu... what's that about?)


Needless to say, I have tried it on my comp (800Mhz, GF3 Ti 200 256mb RAM etc) and it's fine in OpenGL and Direct3D. Oh yes, both comps are running Win 98 SE (ie the best one :p) and DX 8.1


Thanks for any suggestions, I would have searched through the rest of the forums, only the search is disabled :@

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Two suggestions.


1. Insert the CD and select Help - Analyze Your Computer

Check that everything is passed

Click on DirectX Diagnostics and run the tests.


2. Insert the CD and select Play Monkey 4 – Options – Alter Gee Whiz Factor... and change to Minimal




Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen

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