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Dragon Remix v2


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Anywho, work is progressing on the Jedi Outcast SP version of the Dragon Remix. I figured that there are several REALLY good 'little' mods out there, for example Lord Hatrus' weapon models along with the wepon scorchmark mod are a natural combination.


What's the difference between a Remix and a Total Conversion? Semantics for some, but my thinking is:


1- 'Remix' just sounds cool


2- Most of the stuff, say 90% or so, isn't mine. Most of the skins are bassed on other works. So, like a guy remixing a song, I take the basic element (like the Ladder level) and add in external material to give it a different 'twist'.


3- There are no new levels, I can't map to save my life.


I'm trying to get permisson to use all this stuff BUT the damn thing is so fun (IMO) that I'd just release it and take no credit like I did with the Ladder Remix. I've also figured out a 'credits' system that's rather... unique. it'll be obvious when you see it but it's a surprise for now.



I'll try to get a web-page up soon. There's no real release date, I could send it now but I got some cool ideas for the 'Smugglers' section.


Anywho, here's a qazi-sneek peek in a comic strip:



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Got some 'preview posters' if anyone cares:


The final skin for Luke (yea.. that's suppposed to be me...:cool: )




And for the Jedi Knight:




And here's a beta version of Galak Fayar with some 'Black-ops Troopers'




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The JKII: Dragon Remix Demo should be released sometime over the weekend. (Where did I get a level? It’s a minor surprise). As usual I plan to release the 'Game' (with the level and MODs) and 'Music' packs separately, for convenience.


At the release of the full MOD I’ll probably release a music pack every few days. They’ll be in no particular order. Right now I’ve got the Nar Shada Streets level running with a remixed version of Keep Hope Alive (as a parallel to the opening scene in Replacement Killers).


More beta/preview pics:




http://members.rogers.com/covax.ca/Viper.jpg (Gun by Lord Hatrus)







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Well, there's no 'team' so to speek, just me at Covax@Rogers.com . I've basicaly taken other people's work (asking permisson where I can) to compile these Remixes. I'm one of the head dudes of Writer's Block, a group that does fan-fiction but now we're kinda home-page-less execpt for http://members.rogers.com/wbverse . The authors/characters are the 'guest stars' of the mod so to speek.


I plan to set up a Dragon Remix web-site when I have time.

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