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two questions

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart

1. sometimes when I'm writing one of these posts, the "overwrite" option comes on mysteriously and the text doesn't advance, it just writes over what I've written. How do I turn this off and on?


2. Somebody recently asserted to me that JPB was basically a SW ripoff of "Gauntlet: Legends" for PSX. I have no experience with that game, and I don't even know what it looks like -- your opinions?






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Guest Acid_Rain327

1.) Gauntlet Legends was a decent game; no offense to anyone, but probably better than JPB. The two games are pretty similar, I guess, and many big-name reviewers have compared the two.


2.) It's a glitch; happens to all of us.

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Guest jedihorn1

Um...how are JPB and Gauntlet even remotly the same? Gauntlet was one of the wrost games i have ever played on the PSX. I traded it in for MGS after playing it twice. JPB isn't even close. All you do in gauntlet is throw axes or shoot arrows or whatever the weapon is, or you run into the enemy and you hack it. it was completly stupid and had no point. i showed it to my friend and he laughed his butt off and then said. "Ok, so where is the game you really bought?" Ok, so maybee not in those exact words but close enough. No offense to the Gauntlet lovers, but JPB was much better. At least it played like a real PSX game, not an 80's Atari. For those of you who said that Gauntlets playability was better than JPB, please explain to me how. You used two of your controller buttons in gauntlet. All you could do is "shoot" your weapon or run into stuff.




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Guest Dave Maul

The overwrite thing happens to me when I accidentally touch the 'insert' button. Pressing it again returns the writing to normal, but I don't think you can turn that key on and off.




Dave Maul

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Guest Weasel

Darth Wart:

You have a strange problem. Unless you are doing what Dave Maul describes I have never seen this problem. The flaw in Dave Mauls logic (no offense intended) is that on normal keyboards it is difficult to accidently hit the insert key (purposely made difficult based on this reason) unless you are using the Home/End/PgUp/PgDn keys in a keyboard cluster. I'll do some research for you but I can't guarantee you an answer.


2 questions for you:

1. Does it only happen on the Internet, if so does it only happen on this site?


2. What browser and browser version do you use (i.e. Internet Explorer 4)?


--The Weasel





[This message has been edited by Weasel (edited August 28, 2000).]

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Guest Dave Maul

Ah, but the 'Delete' key is right below it. So if you hit 'Insert' accidentally, when you wanted to press 'Delete', you would notice the problem when nothing was removed. "Hmm..." you would wonder as you look at the screen, then looking at the keyboard (Even now, I just used a zero in 'looking', and didn't notice for a while. And that's strange, because you guys know I never make mistayks). You would continue to write, go back to add something, and it would be overwritten. And you'd probably have no idea why. Well there you go, another one of life's mysteries solved.




Dave Maul

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Guest Kurgan

Gauntlet Legends: much better game than JPB.


Of course I have only played the Arcade and DC versions of GL.


I heard the PSX version sucked: scaled down graphics and only two players (instead of four). Plus they introduced an inventory system and cut stuff out of the levels.


GL is different than JPB, in that you have an attack button, a turbo button, and a "magic" button. You can't jump, and you can't fall off of platforms. All players stay on the screen at all times (the camera zooms). You accomplish quests by killing monsters, getting keys, and finding rune stones.


To get a feel for it you have to actually play the game (don't play the PSX version and assume it's all there is).


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Guest Kurgan


It is a very different game, but though in many ways having simpler gameplay to JPB, it is more fun and has more replay value. Yes you can unlock bonus characters, yes there are secrets and eastereggs. Yes, you level up. Yes, there is teamplay, etc.


In the home versions, "saving" your progress is much easier as the levels are much shorter (and you can jump back and forth). In the arcade version you can only select your realm then you go through a series of levels before you can choose again. In the DC version for example, you go to a lobby after winning a level.


My advice: go play GL for the DC or in the arcade. Then decide what you think of it.


The only reason we need mention it here is because in recent interview(s) the JPB DC team mentioned it as an inspiration for the new improved verison of JPB (which is good).



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