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Sorry about that Ben, I know I suck

Guest Yarael Poof

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Guest Yarael Poof

Ben, I know I have been a complete jerk, and the only reason that I said that stupid crap was to shut up Obi-Wan 13. I am seriously not like that, with my posse and all, though it is funny to think of it that way. I apologize for the retarded things I have said which made me sound as stupid as possible and I have to give respect for the mom and the posse to the mall thing because that was something I laughed about for about an hour after I read it. Anyways I am sorry and just hope that you can come over and see the temple, because now that you have made fun of me in a good way, I think it to be cool if you would come over and see it, but if not that's alright, the whole reason I have been trying to just have more people to talk to over there that aren't like Obi-Wan 13.



Feel, don't Think....




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Guest Ben_Kenobi

Enough gentalmen..... YP your apology is accepted, I too apolagize for the harsh words .


YP: Every one here has seen your post and is aware of your invite.


Your dislike for the board and Obi-wan 13 is also noted.


Now leave us in peace.


Obi-Wan 13: I would consider it a personal favor if you where to drop the matter with YP and continue on in this board as you always have, with control and respect for all.





The force will be with you ...always

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i would like to forget this ever happened, but master_kenobi and YP just started up one day on me. no idea why.



duel3.gif Obi-wan13, A life, a jedi, a legend, a hero, a life for good. There is no death, there is the force.

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Guest Master Kenobi

It might have had something to do with you coming down on yarael for getting into character. I felt that to be rather harsh coming from someone who so enjoys rp such as yourself. I tend to get a little defensive when my friends and my forum are insulted as well as my opinions. That is the reason for the onslaught. Now, don't insult me again and we will be fine.



May the Force be With You....




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Guest Ben_Kenobi

Was is not your friend who insulted this forum to begin with? YP? The insult you speak of Sir was simply a lash out at YP for his continued invites to another forum and bashing of this one. If you come to the battle field to shoot do not get pissed when you get shot back at.



The force will be with you ...always

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