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Suspicious claim...

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart

As I do not have my gameshark with me right now, I am unable to check this claim. Can one of you guys check it?


I've found a code that will let you have double lightsabers, but I don't know why but your not able to attack. I'll give you the code, but I need some help perfecting it. Here it is. 800B2284 002B

800B2286 002B






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Guest Jedi Kanigget

I was reluctant to try it, it's late, and it's probably a fake. So I tried it. First I plugged in the new codes along with the code to unlock all characters into my Gameshark. I started a new game and selected Maul. First level instructions came up and I hit X to continue. The droids surround the door and prepare to kill whatever is inside. The door opens and out runs Darth Maul...in full double bladed glory...if you can call it glory. Anyway, I was stunned. It worked!! Then the PlayStation froze. Excited by this news, I quickly restarted the Gameshark and took off the code to unlock all characters, and started again. This time I selected Obi-Wan...the doors opened and out struts Maul again, with a double-bladed lightsaber!!! I ran around a bit, then quit. I started another game, this time as Qui-Gon. Again, Maul runs out with both blades ignited. Yes, it does work. No, this isn't some diluted fan-boy's dream. The problem is, you can only run, jump, lock on to enemies, and block. No offensive moves worked. Hopefully, whoever gave Wart this code, or someone else, I don't really care, can figure out the code to allow you to not only play as double-bladed Maul, but to fight back.




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[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited August 26, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

I must admit, I am curious as to the lack of replies to this news. I thought there would be more interest in this. Huh, go fig.




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Guest Acid_Rain327

Well, a good number of us have traded/sold our copies, or have lost interest in the game.

Also, you can't even attack, so it's pretty (dare I say smile.gif) lame. Other than posting pics on the net and spooking some people, the whole thing is pretty much pointless...

That's not to say I don't appreciate the work you, Wart and others have put into this.

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Gee, Acid, you really know how to take the fun out of things.




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Guest Jedi_Jim


Can he attack with his force powers ?



I wish these "All level, all Character, and jedi jumping codes worked for Pal versions frown.gif


I'm still stuck on Corusant with all 5 characters...


but bare in mind i've only played it twice smile.gif



Impressive....most impressive.

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Nope, you can't use his Force powers either. Not yet anyway,




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Guest jedihorn1

Like I said on the Temple forum, i believe that this code lets you play the computer version of Maul. I say this because if you will notice, he only has a health bar, no force. This would also explain why he cannot attck, because the computers moves are different from the playable Maul, and thus were not programmed for the controller.




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