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Stupid Gameshark!!!! Someone help please!!!

Guest Qui-gon John

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Guest Qui-gon John

Everytime I get to the seen were I talk to the queen in level 4 my guy just starts walking into the wall like a retard, and he wont stop!!! is there anything I can do to stop this?? I have tried aproaching from all angles, but he still does the same thing!! uuhh, this is really annoying, please help someone!!

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

What codes are you using? I haven't had this problem, so I don't know how much I can help you.




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Guest Dave Maul

If I remembe rcorrectly, Wart said something about the character will not stop running when you use the jump code in his guide. So Wart is the person to ask for more details, but I think he said that you just have to get used to it.




Dave Maul

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Guest Darth Prime

Are you sure it's the gameshark? Because mine doesn't do anything wrong. Of course, I don't have the Infinite Force jump cheat in.

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Guest Qui-gon John

Yeah, I am sure, but I know what it is now, it is the jumping code, btw do you have any problems with mace windus, and Qui-gon Jinns L2+X attack?? I am, they dont work, and alsot maces L2+triangle dosnt work like it is supposed to.




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