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The History and Story Of JK2!!!!!!!!!!!11

Dark Begger

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I started writing this message as a response to v-tecc..but ti kind of turned into a story. so I changed the beginning (to be more story like) and thought I'd share it with all of ya. :D




A new day is born, as a community begins together, building up friendships and a foundation for it's new home, Jedi Knight 2. Many flock to the community, wanting to grab as much as they could absorb from the game. The community was happy, with fast paced game play, and the training of a deadly weapon, the light saber. Training with the lightsaber was enjoyable, as the good got better, the game became more involved. The community forums were filled with praise about how Raven had brought such a wonderful game. Then one day, little Kyle Katarn learns a move evily branded as DFA. From that day forward, young padawan were jealous of Kyle Katarn's power, and decided to do something about it. What they did was not train more and learn to beat Kyle Katarn's skill, instead, they decided to go running to the community forum, and change the jurisdiction of the community.

So along goes the little whiney kids, that flaunt there way back to this forum and start complaining, and in the end, nerf DFA, and actually nerf sabers altogether.


Alas, out comes 1.03, the supposed 'savior' of JK2, 'the' patch that was going to balance things for those who thought it was Unbalanced.


Little did we know that 2 days later, a scurry of vermin, the whiney little gremlins, the plague of JK2, come back with some MORE to complain about. It seems that backstab has become a move that is over used, and is a 1 hit kill. Those who cannot use it are all complaining about how they cannot win. wah this, wah that. They do this without thinking..hmm..why didn't 1.02 have backstabbers? Maybe because we caused Raven to nerf saber damage and make it nothing more than a glow stick?


With the unsuccessful opening of 1.03, many of the JK2 community left, because of the crumbling of their JK2 foundation, and the overrun of noisy whiners all over the community.


A new savior was needed. Something new, something that would bring saber fighting back. Heroes walked into the community, claiming they will save it, and bring it back to what it once was. These heroes brought us Jedi Mod, JK2++, and 1.04. They had improved the community, at first bringing back saber damage, and the lethality of the once glow stick. But things would not remain this way...as our heroes fell into the constant whining of the scum of the community. In turn, the backstabs were nerfed.


As the community adjusted to these changes, and learned to live with them, and actually began to enjoy the game again, the community grew, and it's strength in the gaming world began to blossom once more. But the little gremlins have not left our gentle community. They still lurk out there, there have been sightings of such ghastly beings, as some men continue to here their complaints about kick being overpowered. Alas, could this be another attack on our gentle community?

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Help us Obi-Do Kenobbi youre our only hope!






PS- Although I never used it in v1.2 or every complained about it, I do have to admit that DFA was way to powerful in v1.2. Imagine what would've happend if they didnt and the ppl that were the top spinners of v1.3 would be the dfa spinners in v1.2 (Since even touching the blade on thee ground kills you..

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