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Infinite jedi jumping??? It dosnt work!!

Guest Qui-gon John

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Guest Qui-gon John

ok, first of all the jedi jumping code didnt work so I put in the code as usual, and saved it, but that I added another code, only it was JUST the second line of the code, i turned them both on and it worked!! but the game started going crazy in certain parts, like the first time you see the boss for level 6(corusant) he wasnt even on the thing!! he was nowere, and the music just wouldnt stop!! and on level 4 I think, the guy just runs into the wall like a retard when I save the queen!! Someone please help!!

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Guest Qui-gon John

Originally posted by Qui-gon John:

ok, first of all the jedi jumping code didnt work so I put in the code as usual, and saved it, but that I added another code, only it was JUST the second line of the code, i turned them both on and it worked!! but the game started going crazy in certain parts, like the first time you see the boss for level 6(corusant) he wasnt even on the thing!! he was nowere, and the music just wouldnt stop!! and on level 4 I think, the guy just runs into the wall like a retard when I save the queen!! Someone please help!!



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Guest Darth Wart

From the FAQ:


Q: The “infinite Jedi jumping” code doesn’t work. What gives?

A: “Here's the codes:



“I also had trouble getting them to work. I put in both lines as one code and the second line as a separate code turned them both on and it worked. The only problem is that it locks the run button and I have to push attack to stop running. This is okay and not to hard to get used to but it screws up the cut scenes in two places. The first is in the opening when you run out into the Federation ship and the second is in the Theed Palace level when you first meet the queen. [also with Maul on Tatooine – DW] For me at least, the character just keeps trying to walk through the wall. I can't be bothered to try and solve the problem and I can get through every other level with this code-- it's cool as hell. Essentially you can fly.” [taken from Master Qui-Gon]


I recently read this: “…in Wart’s guide it has the code with 2 lines and the second line is the only one you need to get it to work.” [Jedi Kenobi]







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Guest Qui-gon John

cool thanks, but didnt you also have that problem on level 6 when you first see the boss of that level??? I had a problem there, but I just jump to the other platform instead of jumping on that car, this way I can get throught the level with jedi jumping code on,well thanks.

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Guest Qui-gon John

Originally posted by Qui-gon John:

cool thanks, but didnt you also have that problem on level 6 when you first see the boss of that level??? I had a problem there, but I just jump to the other platform instead of jumping on that car, this way I can get throught the level with jedi jumping code on,well thanks.






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