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I Found Unfinished Bot Files in the Game, I Think

Kent H

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Okay, so I was trying to create a bot file for a skin with no bot support, and I go into assets0 to look for a .jkb (bot personality) file to copy and alter. While doing this I found a bunch of almost finished personality files for characters/bots that don't even show up/get mentioned in the game:


Jacen.jkb, Jaina.jkb, kyo.jkb, shinya.jkb, Wedge.jkb, and yumi.jkb


I know who Jacen, Jaina, and Wedge are, but I'm guessing the other three were new characters just made up by someone. Also, the files are or are not capitalized just as I show here. Looking through the files I see that:


- Jacen and Jaina are missing their force configs

- Kyo is missing a force config and chat messages, and has this line for attachments: //Yumi loves Kyo, but Kyo is a cold man incapable of love.

- Shinya only has the general info, weapon weights, and has this for force info: forceinfo 15-2-333333333333333333, which means level 3 in ALL force abilities.

- Wedge only has general info and died and killed messages

- Yumi actually looks complete, but her attachments list a character named Ami that I saw nothing else on


I think what this is is that Raven may have been intending to include Wedge, Jacen, and Jaina in the game, but they were never completed, and the others were just made up by someone goofing around. All the files are listed as having been created on or last modified on January 25 2002. I didn't look throught the other stuff much, so I don't know if there are also incomplete models/textures/skins for these or not in the assets files.


So, is this something already known, or did I actually discover something here? And what do you think about it?

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