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Hydroball Mapping


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Well... I know this question has been asked several times, and I have not found an answer other than "It is explained in the readme".


Now, in the Hydroball readme, it explains the entities. The problem is, I have no clue as to how to use these entities in a map. I have changed my fs_game in the project settings to hydroball, and there is no entities.def file for Hydroball, to my knowledge.


Could someone explain in detail how to use the entities required to make a Hydroball map?

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I've been asking this very same question but so far got no reply.. so just incase one of us gets answered first.. we should keep an eye on both posts :)


I got as far as editing my MP_entities.def file cause i'm pretty sure thats how i need to go about it.. i just dont know the syntax to use :(




thats the link to my thread so u can see what i've tried so far


- Blaze


P.S good on u for wanting to map for Hydroball :D

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Alright... since no one helped us, I looked into this some more, and found out what do do.



1. Open GTK/JK2Radiant and goto your Project Settings (File, Project Settings)


2. Make sure it is set on Multiplayer mapping, and where it says fs_game, type in "hydroball" (Without quotes. If your hydroball directory is named something else, put that in instead.)


3. Quit Radiant.


4. In your hydroball folder, make a directory called scripts.


5. Download this file - http://100megs9.com/~ishionu/other/hydroball.def - and put in in the scripts folder you just made.


6. Open Radiant, and marvel at the new entities in your list ;D


7. Build your level, compile, and play. It will be located in Gamedata/hydroball/maps (that is where the .map files will be saved, also)



I hope this helps the people trying to make Hydroball maps.

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