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Ki Adi is coming soon

Guest Hand Solo

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Guest Hand Solo

Just read an interview with the guys that are making the DC version of JPB. Looks like it might actually be really good. Ki Adi/ Double bladed Maul and 2 player duels are confirmed and there might be a possibilty of a 4-player mode. Sweet. Check it out http://dreamcast.ign.com/news/22051.html




Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

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Guest Kurgan

Hey, now if they remove the bugs that plagued the other version and add the ability to attack in mid-air, and add in a "quick swing" button (for a quick, small swing) then maybe the game would be worth getting... oh and fix those dang cameras...


He mentions Gauntlet Legends.. man! GL is about a 10, while JPB is about a 5. It's like comparing a lobster dinner to a cold lard sandwich! If they could make it nearly as good as GL, they'd be doing us all one helluva favor.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited July 13, 2000).]

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Guest Hand Solo

So, since we were nice enough to test the beta version of the game for them, you think we'll all get free copies of the finished product?




Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

They can take their new characters, shiny graphics, new options, and shove them.


Screw you Lucas Arts - you blatantly ripped us off with this piece of s**t; you think we're gonna buy another one?


[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited July 13, 2000).]

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Guest Maul Clone

Well I thinks it's safe to say some LucasArts people must have been shadowing this board. Too many of those improvement ideas were directly discussed here to be a coincidence.


Dreamcast version sounds rightous though. Too bad I don't have a Dreamcast, and NEVER plan to get one. frown.gif


Hmm... wonder if my old sig is still here....




Founder and Emperor of The Sith Order

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Guest Jedi Dire

son of a.... i don't belive this. they DID rip us off. i say we go email lucas arts a few times and "discuss" this little matter shouldn't we? i mean, i payed for this piece of ... well, nevermind. but i feel we should get SOME form of payment for testing this worthless beta.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

What can we do? We trusted them and they screwed us over to make money - that's all there is to it. They have such an impecable insight for their loyal fanbase don't they?

Like I said, they can take both versions of JPB and shove them. Sideways.


And now, I'm pretty sure Obi-Wan is gonna be an over-hyped piece of s**t too.


What really sucks is the fact that they pull crap on us, but people will come walking right back for more. It's actually pretty smart; despite being coniving, underhanded and all-around slimy, they can release good games like Jedi Knight and X-Wing Alliance every 3 years, and put out half-assed stuff like JPB in the meantime to line their pockets with cash.

So, hit them where it hurts: their wallets.


And Wart, I originally only posted the first line of that message above, but I went back and added the rest later.

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Guest Darth Wart



I'm probably gonna be lynched for saying this, but the DC version now sounds so juicy that I'm actually considering buying a DC system just for it.


Everybody knows that PSX JPB was a glitch-ridden piece of horse filth. But I remember when I first played it, I kept thinking, "This is so close to being the greatest game ever." And now that that vision is closer to being realized, we're going to pout and stomp our feet? What exactly are we going to gain by that? That wouldn't change the LucasFilm machine one whit.


Additionally, think about who is responsible for having released the piece of refuse we know as JPB... The programmers? Hardly; their name was going on it, and I'm sure they wanted to nurse and refine that thing until it lived up to its promise.


No, my friends, it was the executives--the suits--maybe even Lucas himself, that pressured them into releasing it before it was ready. I think they've realized their mistake and the important thing this time is crafting a solid product. Can't anybody have a second chance? Isn't that what this country (I'm in the States) is about?


Therefore I think if we stand on principle here (and I fully agree we have good reason to), we'd miss out on what is apparently a really good version of the game we already love.


And I agree that somebody in the LucasArts design team has probably been shadowing this (and other) boards to get ideas for an improved vesion. Heck, I would if I were on the design team.


With that in mind, I would post my ideas for further tweaking here, but if they've been on this site, then that means they've read my walkthrough, and the glitches and lacunae that annoy me are discussed in great detail there. I will only add: Hey LucasArts, don't you need somebody to pen the revised Prima guide? I'm willing to betray my friends if you pay me enough (and provided I get to play it before they do)!


Incidentally, the mole is probably Kanigget, but don't say I said anything.






Get your free JPB guide at:


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Guest the13thJedi

I have to Strongly agree with Acid.


Hearing what they say tells me that LucasArts suckered PSX owners into buying what seemed to be a cool game...


Instead, we got a half-assed beta version just so the developers could watch for the feedback THEN put out a shiny new version (which is still probably just gonna be crap) that they claim has been "Largely Improved" over the PSX version.


Money Grubbin' B@$t@*d$!


As a Wise Man once said... May the Fleas of a Thousand Camels infest their Armpits!





[This message has been edited by the13thJedi (edited July 14, 2000).]

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Guest Kurgan

Well I guess I'm not upset, because I don't own a PSX and never bought JPB.


I don't own a DC either, but I plan one day to buy one (if nothing else, so I can play more Gauntlet Legends! hehe).


On the one hand, I want to feel sorry for the folks who bought the PSX version because they got "gipped" in a way, that is a better DC version is coming out.


When the PSX version came out, right away we didn't know about the DC version, it wasn't until later that we learned about this (prior to E3 it was posted on LEC's website).


Reviews however of JPB were out almost immediatley that said it was bad. I myself was able to try it out at a store for free. My roommate even rented it (we'd heard the hype, both good and bad), and it was a disapointment. Yet on these forums tons of folks talked about how great it was, defended it, etc.


Ports of games with improvements come out all the time. For example, Gauntlet Legends of the PSX was far inferior to the arcade version and the later DC version that came out. I knew the PSX version sucked, so I didn't buy it.


Because there's no way to "upgrade" the PSX version, you're stuck with it basically.


But people need to realize the PSX, while long-lived and popular in the mainstream, it is an inferior system technologically to the Dreamcast. Games that come out for a better system should be expected to be better.


What logical sense would it have made for LEC to release JPB for the Dreamcast with the same flaws and bugs that the PSX version had? Obviously if they want to make money, it makes sense to make it improved.


I don't feel sorry for folks who wasted their money on a product because they didn't bother to test it out before buying it, or didn't do any research on it beforehand.


Also, it's not like they released a SECOND version for the PSX and still charged full price for it (that would be a rip-off).


This is for another SYSTEM entirely.


Are they forcing you to buy this new game? No.


You'd have to have a Dreamcast first off all, then buy the new game when it comes out.


The truth is, if you bought JPB for the PSX and hated it and didn't return it, well then it's your own fault, honestly.


Yeah, it would have been nice if everyone who bought the PSX version got a refund, but that isn't something that happens with console games unless the game is broken (ie: doesn't even run). I don't know what folks were expecting...


That's my opinion. Feel free to disagree with it, but I don't feel much pity for you folks. Yeah it's too bad the game didn't live up to what it could have been, but nobody was forced to buy it.



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Yeah, the DC version does sound pretty cool. However, as Kurgan mentioned, you have to have DC to play it. That is a major obstacle for those of us (specifically, me) that aren't planning to get DC (I already have PlayStation and Super Nintendo, and my sister has regular Nintendo, what in the world would we do with a 4th console?)

Also, I think that JPB for PSX just isn't that bad.



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Guest Dave Maul

Would you guys spend a small amount of money (i.e. $10) to get a better version for PSX? I know I would. That's something we could think about. I don't think LucasArts would be generous enough to give a new version for free (However, it is acceptable).


So, if you are writing to LucasArts, pitch that idea. Who knows? It may well work.




Dave Maul

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

I feel like I was screwed not because of the bugs, but because I won't get to play as double-bladed Maul or as Ki-Adi-Mundi. From the "sneak peek" articles I read, Ki seemed a definite possibility to play as. And when you opened the gaming booklet, there was Ki listed in the credits. Wart, along with others had beat the game pretty early on with all the characters and all the levels and no Ki. His voice is in the credits, so where is he in the game? This is why I feel gipped. I feel lied to on who was in the game and who isn't. I would have rather wait another several months until they added the vs. mode and the other playable characters than get the one I have now.




New!! The Council of Jedi is now operational!




Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest Dave Maul

I've just read the interview; now I'm mad. Secret characters? Better graphics? Cheat codes?!? We were robbed!




Dave Maul

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Guest ihatecrosswinds

Wow, I just read the interview as well. I must say, the DC version is going to be a HUGE improvement over the PS game. I guess I'll have to convince my friends to buy a Dreamcast so I can "borrow" it for a little while...




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Guest Maul Clone

OK, I loved Playing JPB. I don't regret that at all. Plus, PSX owners got to play it first, so who cares. Having said that, these are my grips....


1) We are unpaid bug testers!


2) LucasArts should have replaced our version with a bug fix version a few weeks after it was released. Other buggy games have done this, it's just the right thing to do.


3) ONE OF US IS A SPY! That give me the creeps.


4) Ki-Adi should have been taken out of the credits for this version. They left it in on purpose just to hype the DC version. It worked.


5) DC has only 2 games I would like to play for it. That's just not enough to buy a system. It would be sweet to play as Ki-Adi & double bladed Maul, but that's just not worth $400 to me.

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Guest Hand Solo

I can't see what a lot of you are complaining about. Despite the somewhat obvious bugs littered throughout the game I seemed to get the impression that most SW fans enjoyed playing it. We got a couple of pretty good hidden characters (I'm still not sure there wont be a code or two released later), the graphics were pretty good and there was nothing better than deflecting a couple of blasts into a few droids and finishing the last one off with a sweet combo.

Despite enjoying most of the game we all had a few complaints and it appears that Lucasarts are going to address these issues now. Isn't that what they should do?




Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

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Guest Super Sith Saiyan Vegeta

Wart,you wont most likely wont like the DC one becuase of no bugs and we all know at one time you manipulated every bug in the game to your advantage! We all know you did..I even helped you one time (getting to the 40 battle droids on the 1st level) and what fun will you have in a bug fixed JPB?



Did you hear me Kakarot? Dodge this next attack if you can,but EVEN IF I MISS THIS WHOLE PLANETS GOING UP IN SMOKE!!! 4.gif Saiyans arn't to be taken lightly..

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Guest Dave Maul

It's not that I didn't like the game, it's just that now there is a better version coming out that I won't have the chance to play. And we don't see that as fair.


I wouldn't agree that we were 'bug testers'; we were just too trustworthy. And I think we should do something else besides sitting here in the forum and whining about it.




Dave Maul

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Guest Sorcerer_Vinny

Wow. I just read it and it sucks. For PSX owners that is. This forum has really shown me how messed up Lucasarts can be. I guess they just thought we would "settle" for what was given to us in JPB. I liked the game, even though it could be so much better. The fact that they are putting the better Maul in and the 2 player duel really annoy me. In fact what really irked me was that you couldnt play Maul w/ Qui-Gon in 2 player. I no its no use to complain now, and the odds of making a fixed-up Psx version are slim to none. I am never going to get a Dreamcast, there just aren't enough games I would play on it. For that matter, there arent many psx games I play. That leaves my pc, and to the big awaited Obi-Wan. I hope Lucasarts didnt mess it up. But I am sure if they do, they will have a better version out in no time. =)



qui02.jpg Sorcerer_Vinny

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Guest Acid_Rain327

First of all, I have to address the fact that a faction of you are reacting to this exactly how Lucas Arts wanted you to:

"Well, I got gipped into buying this unfinished, crappy game for the PSX... but the DC version sounds so cool!"


Please people, save yourself the inevitable disappointment, and don't hand over your wallets to someone who ripped you off before, with the same damn title. Learn from your mistakes and don't be a corporate lemming.



Second, some of you are complaining about this whole ordeal for the wrong reasons. You're looking at this abomination of programing, the total lack of insight in the field they're supposed to be a top name in, and their utter disregard for the people whose cash they support themselves on, and complaining about secret characters?!


Come on!


You were gipped on those precious characters on purpose so they could cash in on yet another go-around with the same damn game. Instead of complaining about not having those characters to play as, start complaining about why you don't have them.


And finally, stop complaining about all of this on a forum, and start writing letters, contacting major websites and what-not, like I have.

You got ripped off blatantly by a company you trusted - welcome to the real world. Don't sit by and let it happen again, and don't let yourself be duped into being ripped off by the same company and the same game.



[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited July 16, 2000).]

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