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A whole new game!!!


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I have an idea but i'm not so great at modeling so I was kinda

hoping someone would come along and take it. Okay here it

goes lately people have been modeling gundams and even ships.

Now i've been thinking when you put a gundam vrs. a gundam and disable force powers it's like playing a gundam wing game

instead of jk2. Okay now people are modeling ships so if someone

went along and made a map that was just plain space with planets in the background couldn't another come along and build

models of ships that can actually be played and make weapon

models that can be used with the ships and not look stupid

like the Slave 1 holding a blaster or weilding a lightsaber.

So in all it's like creating a whole new game!

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That is exactly the whole point of modding, to create new games. However, this would require a great deal of coding to be done to implement new physics and that sort of thing. Have a look at mods such as Airquake. It would be better to play a sim like XWA instead, as these type of mods can never compare to a proper space sim.

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I just though it would be cool to have a game where you could model your own ship or pick from any in the movies.


Mate, get X-Wing Alliance. It has a huge number of ships to choose from in multiplayer, you can model new ships, and best of all, it is an awesome game.

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There is a mod Hydroball that lets u float in water. Couldn't u take that example and just make a level that would be water but make it look like space. and have like a planet surface where u start out. And take away punchin with a saber or a blaster(maybe a schythe). Could that not be done?

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I don't think you realise but the scale of the maps would be huge. They would have to be massive to create the illusion of space, let alone incorporate seamless travel between a planets surface and space. The amounts of coding would be huge to enable features such as 360 degree movement. The best you could get would be some form of game like rogue squadron, flying over a planets surface, but an actual space sim would be very unlikely. JK2 is simply not built for such things.

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Couldn't u just make a big square box and have a sphere in side in which if passed out of that sphere u would be sent back the center or to the other side? And have the sphere transparnt and the box have a wallpaper that is black with like little white dots for stars in the distant?

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Subject452, that kind of discouraging remark really pisses me off. So someone else is making something similar. So what? Good on you for pointing it out, but saying that therefore another shouldn't be made is just plain stupid.

For all you know, you just cut short the career of some awesome gamemaker before he even started.

Let the guy try and do what he wants...at the very least he'll get some experience modding an engine. Or maybe he'll get so into it that he'll blow that other mod away. Who knows? Not me, but I do know that creativity should always be stimulated, not cut down.

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