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Lan Game Questions


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I have a simple network hub and wanted to play with four other computers. Does each computer need a JO CD? Some games are able to play MP with the host just having the CD, is there any way to do that? I can get into the Game but the second computer cannot, even with 2 cds. No internet is involved and I know enough about Lans to get most MP games working (Mainly RTS) Could someone give me some specs on everything I need for the LAN game to work properly. Also do mods(like skins) affect who can join?


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From my own experiances, yes you do need a disk in each machine.


Your second problem may be a patch mismatch, you may be trying to run 1.04 on your machine and no patch or different patch on the other system?


Im not 100 percent sure about this but i dont think skins affect who can join, if you play with a skin the server does not have, then you are just seen as default ( kyle ).

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