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Coleman Trebor???


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Well, I do know that Unreal Tournament 2003 is supposed to be one of the easiest games to be able to get characters in game by. Not sure if that's what you're talkin about or not. If your talkin about just Unreal 2, I honestly couldn't tell you (I do know the poly count for regular Unreal 2 is supposed to be like 10,000 poly's)

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Probably any tool that has the apporiate exporter. The problem is getting a programmer to make the tool for 'other' types of modeling programs... Lightwave, Maya, Electric image, Strar studio, Softimage,.......the list goes on, 3d studio max will probably have an exporter right away, becasue thats the preferred game modeling program.



And speaking of Drool......I finally sat down, and stated using softimage extensively today. OH MY GOD.

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Originally posted by BakerS8er

sorry i cant drool anymore.... i need to get some water......


So they havent announced what tools will be compatible with it ( like Milkshape 3d Studio Max, G-Max, Maya etc..)


Well I'm sure that 3DS Max and gmax will work fine b/c they're just modeling tools. What makes it easy is that they are goin to make like interface tools to get the model into game easier (hopefully better than the crappy ones that came in the JKII service pack thingy). Assimilate is BAD with a capital B,A and D. anyway, enough off topic. If you have AIM or something PM me your screen name and we'll talk there.

***topic continues, and so does my drool***

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*sigh* here we go again..


Xyphox, i dont know if your a newbie or what but this situation with Midget Stealing Yoda has LONNNNGGG explained before .So Why dont you go check about 10 pages back in the forums and look for your answer back there before you go accusing. And i dont think Midget has to explain himself again.....

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First off Xphox, If you read carefull, I do stress carefull. you'll see Pio kloon and Midget yoda discussing the model. There was no theft, Midget Yoda is just trying to help.


Baker, you playing the avatar switch game? I personally like the green guy one. Yeah I won softimage awhile back as a door prize.

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See what I mean guys, I saw it coming a mile away. I help and get called names. I'm just about completely sick of this. I am not going to finish Trebor. I don't wanna have to put up with the b@st@rds that say that I'm a theif. If you ask me, of all the people on these forums that should leave, it should be me. Almost everyone hates me. But I honestly don't care because I like mdoeling and I know I have about 5 friends on here so it's good. Even though I probably should be with the girl that I like (and I hope likes me lol) I am here making models. I love it. The satisfaction of getting a model in game is enough for me. I so far haven't filled that satisfaction but I've came damn close with Helmet. I am working on him now also hehehehe. Anyway. Softimage is a program used to make new animations. I don't know if anyone has actually done it yet though. Not to my knowledge. I think they know how, just people don't want to hehe.

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At first i did have sympathy for Plo, but as I read more and more of his messages the less I had. Right now I think that he's the problem. Sure, he may have run into a bastard or two, but by this point I think he has become one. He complains about getting no support, yet every time he says that someone offers support (usually MidgitYoda, Good Job on being a good cetizen BTW), and yet he blows them all off like a jackass. Can someone PLEASE explain the logic behind him?

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ty Xyphox...but i am giving him persmission to finish my models...ill remember u for this to...ty man


also there was no theft...did he do it without my persmission?...yes he did..Boba gave it to him without my knowing and he took apart the pk3 and make the .skin files


am i mad at him now for it? no idc anymore...but he has my permission to finish it now

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Why is everyone leaving?!!!! AHHHHH! Can we just all learn to get along and help each other. Please stay and keep making the great things you guys make. Lets just stay cool. I hope none of you guys actually leave because this community will fail if we all don't get along with each other. United we stand, devided we fall.

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