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TIP: Getting Textures To Fit


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Here's a simple tip to help you get your textures to fit over multiple brushes.


If you know this already, sorry.


Example. I am currently working on a prefab that needs to have one texture fit precisely over several different brushes.

Trying to apply and scale the texture to match on each brush is difficult and time consuming.


Simply make a square brush that is the exact same dimesions of the surfaces you wish to texture, then apply the texture to this brush. Press 's' for the surface menu and hit 'FIT'.

Now you have your texture the right size hit 'Escape' to deselect the brush. Then ctrl+shift+mouse3 to select just the newly resized texture.

Position the 3D view so you can see your surfaces and again ctrl+shift+mouse3 to copy the texture where you want it and it should fit just so.


My appologies if this isn't clear enough.

Hope this helps someone.


Any Q's?



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