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JKII running slower on my new GF 4 Ti4200!


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I just bought a new GF4 Ti4200 video card. I figured my games would run much smoother and faster not to mention look better then my old S3 Savage 2000 card. However, to my dismay, JK2 runs slower then it did on my Savage 2000! ALOT SLOWER! If I turn everything down to its max low the game runs at no more then 30 fps unless staring at the sky or at a wall. It runs terribly slow on my GF4 when it should be running alot smoother!

I tried going to activision for help but that did nothing but tell me to call their Europe location! I have the latest Detonator Drivers as well. Here is my system specs:

AMD Athlon 1.1Ghz

Windows 98SE


60GB HD (25GB free)

GeForce 4 Ti 4200 64mb


It makes no sense to me why JK2 would run worse on a better video card!


Please HELP! Any suggestions at all appreciated.

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