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Help with cut scene?


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You have to have a basic idea of how to use ICARUS and BehavED, first of all, but you start one by using the

Camera(ENABLE) command, and that creates a camera in the same place that your head is, and goes into cutscene mode. Then, you use the other camera and NPC commands to move around the camera and the characters, as well as use sound to play the voices. Finally, you must put Camera(DISABLE) at the end of your script. (this is very important! If you don't, there's no way to exit your level or anything- I have to restart my computer if I get stuck in cut scenes) Get the SDK package with BehavED- it comes with a manual for ICARUS scripting.



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Okay! After a lot of experimentation, I've found out a very odd problem: the NPC simply does not respond to any "Affect" commands coming from the script for the cinematic! Remove() works just fine, but when the script runs, any affect()'s are skipped over immediately! Can anyone tell me why this is happening?



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Uh, thanks... the problem turned out to be an odd combination of things- I'm not sure what exactly caused the problems, but I changed a few points to be like kejim_post's cinematic, and my guy started working! Now I have another small problem- to test speaking temporarily, I used a sound file from assets1.pk3... he speaks, and his mouth moves, but it doesn't wait for the sound to end before going on! Here's the snippet that handles the speaking... tell me what I'm doing wrong?



affect ( "cinek", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )



task ( "line1" )


sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_VOICE, "sound/home_mines/clint/line1.mp3" );



do ( "line1" );

wait ( "line1" );




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