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For The Last Time, Pelase Help

Darth Stryke

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I keep getting an error everytime I click on the MD3 viewer in the official modeling tools and it wont start error "failed on wglCreateContext( HDC hdc)"


If you know what this means and how to solve it, PLEASE TELL me, I have redownloaded the tools 3 times and it did not work, I did not modify them in any way, shape, or form. They were working fine but just all the sudden stopped and now I cant export my MD3's into .glm format so I can not finish my new saber models. If you do not know the cause, can someone send me their copy of the editing tools to BoL_Stryke@hotmail.com Thanks.

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If you didn't get a reply the first time, chances are you won't get it a second time around. Your gonn have to do something we call "Problem solving", thats where you have a problem and attempt to solve it using trial and error. You might wanna make a checklist of what you have, and want you need. Chances are its usally something small, like the texture map being to big or something.

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"Here you nothing that I say" It is not a problem importing the file. The MD3 viewer will not even start up. I lcick on the viewer icon to start it up and it gives me the error. And I have been trying problem solving, unfortunately I do not know enough about the programming of the editing tools to know what the error means and since I can not even OPEN the MD3 viewer, or use it in any way, I can not convert MD3's to glm's. That is why I asked if someone could at least send me their editing tools to my e-mail or give an alternate suggestion. It has nothing to do with my model, the editing tool will not open, rune, work, or do anything other than spit out an error when I try to start it up.

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I had issues like this once and it was because I only had part of the set of tools. Apparently I had to dig up the first release then an update and everything worked fine. I though it was pretty crappy that raven's own resource site only had the update and not a full install.

I'd send you a zipped version of the tools, but they use installs so I'm not exactly sure what goes where. I mean if there are any rege keys and other what nots. And I won't be around all weekend.

Try jk2files.com for them. I think that's where I ended up getting both versions from.

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