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Screwed up!?

Midgit Yoda

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What the heck is wrong here. I compile dark helmet sucessfully in assimilate finally. It gives me the glm file. I open it in ModView and it won't load any skins for some reason (which I think I can fix that) but the right hand is connected at the finger tips, and the left arm is burried in the torso with the left hand attached at the fingers. All the rest is perfect. Well i thought, it should load in JK2 anyway with those errors though. So I made a pk3 file and when I load it in JK2 it says that version has been ommited at compile!? What the hell. The compile went successfully. Has anyone else out there ever had this problem? If so can you please tell me what I am doing wrong?

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the skin problem might be a result of assimilate destroying the model_default.skin when it compiles the xsi into glm.


and the problem with the body parts not connected at the right spot is pretty common and not too difficult to fix.

all you have to do is select a body part that isnt screwed up and attach a body part that is, then select the bad body part's polygons and detach it, this resets something that was wrong with it. however it requires you to redo the weighting, which is a bit of a pain. just do that with all the bad body parts.

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Okay madjai. No matter what I do, attach detach, attach detactc, it still comes out messed up in the end. One time the freaking hand was on his helmet...... Do you think if I sent it to you, you could fix it? I'll give you complete credit for gettin the bugs out.

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Well Madjai, it looks like you have gotten it fixed that way. Now I have another concern. When I throw him in to a PK3 file and load it into JK2 it stops the game and brings up that thing that shows at the start and it says, requested feature was omitted at compile time. What does that mean? Did I compile it wrong? It's said that every time I've compiled it...

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Nah, but you do need to weight every vertex...if you don't, assimilate will let you know.


Try using the correct texture format (jpg with standard baseline compression) when loading it in modview (but keep in mind that you have to use tga's as textures in max when exporting [or at least I had to]).

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