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new mod!!!


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I have made a new mod! (actually, it has been sitting in my computer for a long while and i thought I would release it finally).


What it does, is changes your team with bounty hunters, remnant with new republic, and reelo's thugs with remnant.


This will include sound and model changes. I know that most of you can probably do this stuff by yourself, but I figured I'd give it a shot anyways :p . But before I release it, I would take any suggestions you people might have, my mods are upgraded because of suggestions people give. I am open for the suggestions. Did I mention that I want suggestions?


The mod will of course star with the Mandalorian models by Bloodriot and Absath.





(P.S. If anyone knows of a rebel commander skin coming out, plz tell me, for I am looking for someone to replace imperial commanders with besides monmothmas (in my Imperial vs. Rebels conversion v1.3)..... :rolleyes: .)

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