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Very Possibly a Stupid Question ...

Guest Obi-Gyn Kenobi

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Guest Obi-Gyn Kenobi

.. but how in god's name do you save your successes?

I'm a newbie, just got through for the first time w/Obi-Wan, which was fine. Futzed around a little with Amidalla and Panaka, then went to work on getting Ultimate Saber. So I started playing w/Mace from the beginning, and -- here's the stupid part, I guess -- I saved my progress in the same game slot (#1), and now, Queenie and Pan are nowhere to be found.


So, do I have to save each time I go through in a different place? There are only three slots! I guess I figured it would automatically save everything on the memory card, like games like Tekken do. Help me, Jedinet Forum. You're my only hope.

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Guest Dave Maul

You have to hit 'Select' each time you load up a saved game. Queen and Panaka are not automatically loaded; instead the pictures are of Obi-Wan and Plo.


If you mean that you can't get Queen or Panaka at all, then I'm afraid I can't help you.




Dave Maul

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Guest Darth Wart

From the looks of it, you DID erase the fact that you won Amidala and Panaka.


What you were supposed to have done is choose "LOAD GAME," and loaded that game, the one you completed with Obi. Then, you should have picked Mace and started the levels with him, ON THE SAME GAME.


But if I understand you right, you simply selected "NEW GAME" instead of "LOAD GAME," proceeded to play with Mace, and then saved to that slot.


If this is the case, you definitely erased your Panaka & Amidala. (The only consolation I can give you is that getting them the second time will be a lot quicker.)


You can play with ALL the characters on the character selection screen, and it'll count as the same game.


To answer your question, ALWAYS save your game when prompted in slot one. You can work on several different characters simultaneously, just don't choose "NEW GAME" when all you really want is NEW CHARACTER.


Sorry about the bad news.






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Guest Obi-Gyn Kenobi

Well, Dammit. You're right, Wart. That's exactly what I must have done. Thanks for the help. I guess it's back to the trade federation battle ship for Obi-Wan.

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