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dropping the kids off at the pool

Guest slo poon

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Guest slo poon

Has anyone ever had to take a dump so bad that you started farting alot, but you had to hold them in because you were in a public place (i.e. work)? I'm in that situation right now. I've got a thing about public toilets-namely I won't use them. It's 12:11 here in Phoenix and my verticle smile is so sweaty I don't think I'll be able to hold it in until 2:00 (that's when I get to go home to study for finals).Luckily, I've got the sphincter of a Wookie (hairy and strong) so I should be clean for at least another hour or so.

And just so I don't get kicked out for posting off topic stuff,what's the easiest way to beat the worm on level 2 with qui-gon on jedi mode? I've beat it with obi-wan, but I can't remember how. Do his special weapons work on the thing? This game reminds me why I hated Super Star Wars for the SNES. Thanks.

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Guest Kurgan

Um, could you please not describe your excretory anatomy or bowel problems on this website? It's kind of gross.. I am often eating when I read this stuff too. ; P



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