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List of locations for Gold and Silver credits

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart

Q: Where are the gold and silver powerups located on this or that level?


A: Level 1:

Silver: On the second ledge off the treadmill, just before the monster with the swinging arms.

Gold: On the second weird little platform from the left in the part after where you come up from the elevator.


Level 2:

Silver: A little ways after the Mushroom Tree, “you’ll reach a mini-crossroads. The path to the north leads up an embankment guarded by a droid while the path to the south you have to jump on a series of platforms. The southern route has a 1,000-point credit on one of the platforms.” [shadeShifter]

Gold: In the second crevice right before the worm (closest to the worm).


Level 3:

Silver: Hidden in that stairways near the trees behind the very first maiden.

Gold: In the bushes right of the very last maiden just before the flame droids.


Level 4:

Silver: Toward 6:00 in the sarcophagus room, but on the upper level.

Gold: Behind the throne near where the queen's standing next to those huge windows.


Level 5:

Silver: On a semi-secret ledge 5:00 from the Sarlacc pit.

Gold: Outside the Jawa’s hut during the Evil Jumping Sequence.


Level 6:

Silver: On a separate ledge 7:00 from where you start going up those stairs.

Gold: In the semi-secret section near where you get blown over to the boss’s ship for the second time.


Level 7:

Silver: Behind one of the computers in the computer valley.

Gold: On a ledge a couple hops back from where the second checkpoint is found.


Level 8:

Silver: I don’t know—I think there isn’t one.

Gold: High in the air to the right just after the first black drawbridge. I’ve never figured out how to get it, though. The folks at the hint line don’t know either, but that isn’t saying a whole lot.


Level 9:

Silver: Hidden in the bushes to the left of where you start the level.

Gold: On a hidden tiled courtyard you get to by going left when it looks like you should go right. This semi-secret tiled courtyard is actually some distance directly above what seems like the last tiled courtyard. You’ll know you’ve found it because there’s also a challenge icon and an extra life there (with two droids).


Level 10:

Silver: To the left, mostly hidden behind a wall, just as you come off the elevator.

Gold: At the entrance to the color maze, proceed right for as far as you’re able. It’s there at the end of the windmills’ shafts.





email the Wart at gnossie@msn.com



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[This message has been edited by Darth Wart (edited July 18, 2000).]

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Guest Weasel

Glad to see the list was made smile.gif. Just one thing. After my first time completing the game with one character I read through your walkthrough to see what I missed. The gold credit in level 2 confused me totally because you said it was in the second crevice before the worm. The trouble I had was there is (working back from the worm) one crevice, two holes, etc. until you get to that crevice. I took the holes as being crevices and couldn't find the gold credit. I did so later only by randomly jumping into crevices for fun. Maybe I'm the only one who isn't clear on this but you may wish to clarify its position a bit. Besides that, if you were playing the game for the first time (granted you shouldn't be reading the strategy guide) you won't know where the worm is until you get to it and by then its a little too late to go back. Anyways, thats my two bits on the matter.




P.s. Hey wart, how's Metal Gear Solid coming.




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