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Anchorhead Pix - WORKING THIS TIME!


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I'm Glad the FTP site seems to be working for you guys now after last nights trouble.




Sure... if anyone wants to test this before its release, I can make it available for download from the same ftp server.


Will be a while before we're at that stage though.


NOTE: The shots of the generator room are Waaayyyy out of date - I've completely rebuilt most of this room - much more interesting/playable/defendable now.


Hmmmm next time I run a full compile* (With Lighting) I'll see about taking some more screenshots.




*It's a bit of a monster though - 17 mins just for the VIS and up to 8 hours for the lighting!!! (Damn skyshaders :p )

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Wow... this thing looks great so far. I downloaded the zip file from your FTP but I'm not sure if it is different from your previous release. I thought your original file was an ALPHA release, not BETA. Could you please let me know? Also, what is the Sithhomeworld.pk3? I also downloaded that.


Again, great looking map! Cannot wait to play it tonight.

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Yeah, I guess you're right the first map was an ALPHA although at the time it was going to be BETA as I was just going to make a few minor changes but have instead rebuilt the thing from scratch.

Sorry to dissapoint you but the Anchorhead.pk3 is on the server is still the old map.


The SithHomeworld is a level by SunBurN that I have put on my FTP site to help him out - It is at BETA test stage

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I did that too :D i downloaded it hoping it would be the new version then when i extracted the file it was same size as your first then i felt so disapointed. :( but the longer u don't have it out the better u can make it if there is actually anything to make better oh and something that i've been wondering ever since u brought the first version out is did u make those broken droids next to the bar and if so what with cause they look so good that they could have come with it.

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OK. Just a quick WIP update,

I've replaced all the screenshots with ones from the latest compile, including the screenies of the Landspeeder (Partially Textured) and newly reworked Generator Room as well as some of the Jedi Starfighter prefab i'm working on for SunBurN's SithEmergence map and later public release.


As always, comments and feedback are highly appreciated.




For the FTP address - see earlier in this thread.


NB: Some people seem to be having trouble accessing this FTP site - I suggest you be running the VERY latest version of explorer. I don't have any trouble and it has been tested to work.

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ER... The broken droids near the bar did come with it!


I could easily make that sort of thing - my trouble comes when trying to get it from my 3D program into the game. My version of Milkshape has expired and I just don't use it enough to warrant registering it. (Another reason why I haven't bothered trying making any player models yet)


Is anyone interested in helping me with this problem?


I can make any model anyone wants - I just need someone willing to get it ingame.



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well i can get stuff in-game just the down side is the stuffs textureless:D But if i use volrathxps qc file i might be able to get it in-game with textures Thats if u r on about md3 i dunno how to get actual models u use for eg the yoda model i dunno how to get that kind in.Oh and btw where r they? I've looked but never found r they in the effects folder cause theres a broken droid there but i thought it was sparks or something that happend when a droid gets broken.

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Yeah, I have that problem with textures too!


I was initially going to do the sarlacc pit and made a skiff and a barge but whenever I put them in my map it caused a leak!

No sure why.


If anyone wants to try converting these models as a test they're most welcome - I can easily e-mail them or upload them to my FTP site.



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Wow that ship in the last part of your pics looks good u even added r2 and that ship in pic 56 looks good. Just wondering how long have u been mapping?And anopther question(i won't do this just wondering)how did u make it look like those suits were hung up?How'd u get your vaporator in-game?

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:( :( I am soooo bummed! :( :(

I was SURE I was downloading the new Anchorhead. I've been drooling all day long just waiting to get home and load it up. Oh well... like everybody else, I'll wait.


Jedi Starfighter looks fantastic. I really like the way you drop in the pre-fabs that people make.


If you are looking for Beta testers, I'd love to be one. I must confess though, I'm not 'critical' if that's what you're looking for. I can tell you the things I like, things I wouldn't mind seeing, and report any bugs that I find, but I CANNOT tell you that the textures aren't exactly right, or that something looks like cr@p because I have NO tallent in modelling and don't feel I have any right to be too critical. However, between me and my 2 sons, I can guarantee we'll wear out the hard drive in the area this map resides. Please let me know if you're interested (same thing goes for Tigris Cantina). - P.S., I'll be in gone next week

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When the time comes the map will be available to readers of this forum for BETA testing.


The Jedi starfighter will be making it's first appearance in SunBurN's Sith Emergence map. (Replacing the generic RAVEN one that's there now I think).


The hanging flight Suits are MD3's by RAVEN and the Vaporators are MD3's from WIRED LAMP (I did have one built but I had now references so it was a bit crap - I have limited time to work on the map so I've been using pre-built objects wherever I can and building my own - Sentinel Shuttle, Jedi Starfighter, Landspeeder - where I needed something else.



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Hi Superdude201


Sorry I'm at work at the moment.

Yeah that'd be cool.

I'll just send you a couple of simple test ones - a sandcrawler I made (Nice square boxy object for testing textures on), maybe the small skiff.

And see how you get on.


Let me know where to send them and I'll do it in the morning when I get home.



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Ha Ha - Ftp site works - even from work on my MAC!!! (Which is where I languish at the moment.)


Progress slow on Map as I've been doing the jedi Starfighter prefab for SunBurN. Rebuilt the whole body today - just have to do the C o c k p i t now - I am going to try and model the inside with a clear canopy.


HOWEVER - I did spend my lunch break at work finalizing the design of the Toshi Station Generator - It's a bit more impressive now than the 6 or so Generator MD3's I threw into the original version of the map.

Lot's of straegic play option can come in here - quite a defensive position.


Working on new layout for Blue base tonight. Since I moved the bar to street level, the blue base will now be more a Cargo Storage/Shop split - secret passage will still be there somehere though!


Will put up a whole new selection of screens to whet your appetite as soon as I've done the next compile (Hopefully Monday)



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