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Anyone ever knocked Maul into the pit at the end?

Guest Maul Clone

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Guest Maul Clone

When he dies he falls back. I wondering if you kill him when his back is up against the pit, will he fall in?


Anyone ever done it?




Founder and Emperor of The Sith Order

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Guest Darth_Talon

no i dont think you can.....when he is alive he flies once hes knocked in and jedi jumps like 5 times....and then when he is about to die he runs away from the pit...i came close once smile.gif




"Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb."

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Guest Darth Wart

With respect, Darth Talon, you are mistaken.


It is possible to knock Maul into the pit at the end. I have done this twice.


You're not supposed to, though, so the program glitches. Specifically, he disappears into the pit and you're simply stuck there. The level doesn't end, and there's no phone for you to use. Your only option is jumping in yourself for another try.


What's supposed to happen is this: you know how when you're whacking the snot out of a droid right near a ledge, and you're backing him up and backing him up, he won't fall off the ledge? He simply "hops" back on the ledge automatically, even if he's in the middle of flailing about from your blows.


That's what Maul does.


Three things:


1. when he "hops" back, he'll take a breather. this can be an important opening.


2. your character will not automatically jump back like his, so it's possible to "combo" yourself right off that ledge.


3. the two times I definitely knocked him into the pit and he disappeared were with long range techniques: Amidala's laser, and Qui-Gon's long-range force technique. Never done this with a saber







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Guest Darth skywalker

Does Darth Maul shock you with his head like in TPM cause that was stupid.



*Darth skywalker*

Dark sith lord of humor*


Member of the Un-council.




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Guest ShadeShifter

I had Maul on the far side of the pit while I was at the opposite end. He ran at me at an angle that required him to jump over the pit. I guess that he misjudged (amazing for the computer huh) the jump and fell in. Poor, poor, Maul.




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Guest JediMace

yes that is very amazing biggrin.gif





Mace Windu the master of the lightsaber


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[This message has been edited by JediMace (edited May 03, 2000).]

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Guest liquidkid

Originally posted by Darth skywalker:

Does Darth Maul shock you with his head like in TPM cause that was stupid.



he shoots lightning from his hand like in TPM if that's what ur asking, but this game IN NO WAY compares to TPM. it's SOOOOO much better. u better hurry up and get that 60 bucks so you can play it!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!







-UNcouncil Master of Insults, Supreme Chancelor's Hitman, All Around Bully.


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Guest Maul Clone

Thanx Wart. Just to make sure you understood me, he actually died, made a growl, grabbed his chest, and fell back into the pit?

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Guest Darth Wart

No, Maul Clone.


I'm an idiot. I didn't read your original question carefully.


No, he simply drops in. Since you then get stuck in that room, I'm pretty much assuming that's not supposed to happen. But it does.


Now then, your real question: does he clutch his chest and howl and fall back into the pit if you kill him when he's right near it?


I have NEVER heard of this happening, and I've killed him many times right there. (I think in his dying "animation" he invariably falls forward anyway.)





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Guest 84Elan

I have had maul up angainst the pit on the east side of it and he was as far as he could go without going in with obi Wan smaked him a few good times and then let him have it with the force ball or force push he died but did not go down the hole. I want a refund. Buy the way in TPM was it my game or when Maul killed Qui Gonn in TPM did he totally miss qui Gon and stab the air next to him? I mean what gives.


I know that in TPM you could get Maul to die on the bridge across the pit with him half on half off light saber still lit but not fall in. Why do all games get cheap when it comes to the end?

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I had the best time while fighting Darth Maul with my father (he's qui gon, I'm Obi Wan) throughout the whole level. We fought like it was a movie. When we reach that laser field with Maul standing there firing those stupid lightnings. He somehow immediately knock me into the next laser field even though it was still on. My dad had to fight him by himself. When the laser field deaticvate, He knock me over to the next laser field.... man what a smart AI (this only happened once). when he got to the room with the pit, he killed my dad (that was the last credit). I started dueling with him when he knock me into the pit with his stupid lightning. I was extremly luckly as I was able to grab the ledge and climb right back to fight and kill him. Oh when I did the killing blow, he was knocked into the pit... actually he jumped back when he touch the pit. he stand perfectly alive after that,but I still won.

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Guest Maul Clone

Originally posted by 84Elan:

I have had maul up angainst the pit on the east side of it and he was as far as he could go without going in with obi Wan smaked him a few good times and then let him have it with the force ball or force push he died but did not go down the hole. I want a refund. Buy the way in TPM was it my game or when Maul killed Qui Gonn in TPM did he totally miss qui Gon and stab the air next to him? I mean what gives.


I know that in TPM you could get Maul to die on the bridge across the pit with him half on half off light saber still lit but not fall in. Why do all games get cheap when it comes to the end?

Thanx for the info, I guess it's not possible.


Games get cheap at the end and with the endings because you already bought the game and played it all the way though, so why bother to impress you anymore. They already have your money. Games with really good endings are rare.




Founder and Emperor of The Sith Order

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