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SIXTH revision of JPB guide ready, and the Wart bows out!

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart

I know I’ve been promising this for a few weeks now, but I’ve been working really hard on it (combing through my emails and all past posts on this board) to get the thing in as near-perfect shape as I could get it before I wash my hands of it. I believe the thing is now as complete as I can get it, and virtually error-free. Furthermore, it incorporates everybody’s else’s recently-discovered cheats, wacky bugs, and walkthroughs [like ShadeShifter’s]. I seriously doubt I will revise this guide again, unless cheat codes are released for the game (and I have reason to think there are none), or unless I get wind of a truly earth-shaking discovery that none of us currently know about.


And I’ve NEVER seen any walkthrough revised SIX damn times, so – if you don’t mind my saying so – I think I’m quite the cat’s meow, but on the other hand there comes a time to move on. From now on I will be playing only the Dreamcast version of JPB, and after that, Demolition, then Obi-Wan, etc. I think I have learned everything that could be learned about PSX’s JPB (without talking to a wine-loosened programmer), so I’m moving on.


DO NOT BOTHER TO EMAIL ME WITH ERRORS as I highly doubt I will revise the guide again, like I explained above. And I may not even answer simply questions (sent through email), since everything I know about the game is in that guide somewhere. 90% of the email I get is from people that haven’t looked in the logical place where the answer to their question already is. It’s a pain, folks.


I am still a geeky Star Wars gaming fan, and will continue to play games as they come out. I will probably write walkthroughs for those games which lend themselves to it (as, for example, Masters of Teras Kasi and X-Wing Alliance would not, but JK and TPM would), though there is no guarantee of this. I may, for example, get a life.


And while I am not leaving this site, my main presence will henceforth be at THE JEDI TEMPLE, which I think is more well-managed and has a more constructive and friendlier atmosphere than this forum. Plus I want to bend my energies to helping that site succeed. The underdog thing. You’re welcome to join me.


As you can see, I have tried to partition the guide in three segments on other posts. Jedi Kanigget has received a copy of the guide and will soon be posting it to our webpage (link is below), which is very user-friendly and has other features. It may take Kanigget a few days, though, since I’m dumping the whole thing on him at once, in violation of an agreement we had to do it one chapter at a time. Sorry buddy.


There’s also a chance that Aristotle, the admin of Jediknight.net, will post this revision, but it’s hard to say: he never posted the fourth, and he’s had it for two months. I am also trying to get a copy of the guide on GAMEFAQS.COM, but they are being extremely fussy about their submission guidelines. Anybody who wants to take care of that for me, well, I’d appreciate it, since they’ve REJECTED everything I’ve sent them so far, and I’m getting tired of it.


In about a week the guide will also be available on one page at darthwart.tripod.com. Finally, if you wish you can email me a request and I will mail the entire WORD 97 document to you FREE (311 KB), in the original printer-friendly version.


Many people helped contribute to the final version of the guide – cajun_master, Jedi Calypso, Jedi Dire, 84Elan, Cloud, ShadeShifter [significantly], Maul Clone [mucho], Weasel, ChosenOne, and many, MANY others-- “whether they know it or not,” so I’d like to thank them for all their help and suggestions. Naturally, their contributions are too numerous to list individually, so if you’d like to know what you contributed you’ll have to do a “find” search through the text.


Note that I have NOT promised to make a DC walkthrough, but I’m mulling it over. Probably not, I’m thinking. My DC is bought and paid for, though, and I have prepaid for DC’s JPB (There goes my allowance!). August 2nd, folks.


For those of you who have either read the guide or done everything there is to do with the game, the only thing which may interest you is the brief discussion at the very end of the upcoming DC version. And frankly, even that isn’t very interesting.


I hope the guide has made the game more fun and intriguing for you, and that at least some of you have appreciated my efforts. I now take my leave.


Master Wart








Get your free JPB guide at:


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Guest Dave Maul

Drop by the Demolition forum some time, Wart. Let us know what you think. Most people don't like it, but I'm still interested.




Dave Maul

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Anytime Wart, and thank-you for the best JPB walkthrough Ive ever seen.


And if there is any game, that you ever need help with writing a walkthrough for, just let me know , and ill get right on it for you.


Thanx again, and GOD bless.




<font color = "blue"> "Be excelent to each other." </font>


The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter



[This message has been edited by Jedi Calypso (edited July 23, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Just to let you know, the sixth revision of the guide has been put on the site.




New! The Council of Jedi is now operational!


JediKanigget.com, Star Wars news and media. http://jedikanigget.homestead.com/JediKanigget.html

Darth Wart's strategy guide in an easy to use form. http://jedipowerbattlesguide.homestead.com/JPB.html

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Guest liquidkid

You've done everyone a valuable service, wart. a million debts are not enough.







-UNcouncil Master of Insults, Supreme Chancelor's Hitman, All Around Bully.


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