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The JeDi MoBiLe


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I know alot of you probably dont care but i figured since this off topic board is about the every day life of star wars fans... ill tell you about my latest star wars venture...



A few friends and I have decided to buy an old van... fix it up with TVs lightsabers ;) ect. and drive around the country ending up at celebration 3



Any suggestions or anywhere we can find a cheap van ;)... and how to get outa school for 8 weeks ;)


lol... if ur here to flame me... just dont... im sooo excited :-D

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It's gonna be expensive... (Captain Obvious to the rescue! ;))


Good luck! If it all possible, take some pictures of your journey for us. :) ... especially ones of the celebration... :D


PS> Sorry, I don't know anything about American car rentals... in fact, I don't know anything about car rentals PERIOD. :p


PPS> I just realized Celebration 3 will take place almost 3 years from now... :eek: Well, if these forums still exist by then (i wonder if i'll still be a member... i wonder if this place will look like rsn did before the merge...), take some pictures, eh? ;)

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