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Why dosnt Qui-gon and Mace, have there long range attack????

Guest Obi-Juan Kenobi

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Guest Obi-Juan Kenobi

ok, I got Mace up to skill 100 and level 10, and the exact same thing for Qui-gon, but they both dont have there long range attack, even when I turn off the jedi jumping codes!!! confused.gif Please help,I want maces long range attack!! It is so cool!!




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Guest Obi-Juan Kenobi

I am pressubg L2+X, but when I do that, they just do there X move! Everyone else has NO problem doing there long range attack, it is just them two.




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Guest Darth Wart



Things I can think of:


1. Even though you say you "turned the infinite jumping code off," perhaps you should play without the gameshark entirely? As everybody knows, it helps the game to glitch out. And Lord knows, this game doesn't need any help with that.


2. How did you get their skills up to 10/100? If you accomplished this with a Gameshark, that may be your problem right there. The gameshark codes may have just lifted the number up to 100 without actually assigning the corresponding skills. This is my best diagnosis.


3. Do you have enough blue juice to actually fuel the moves? Duh. (Had to ask.)


4. Are you playing with a PAL, BLEEM, or otehrwise burned version? My friend and I burned a copy of JPB using some hackware, and we promptly threw it away: imagine all the glitches in the game multiplied by 10.


Other than that, I don't know what to say; it's not a problem I've heard of before.


(Oh: The long-range attack is an award for maxing out level 2: swamps of Naboo.)






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Guest Qui-gon John

hmmmm..I did use gameshark to get them, but I earned alot of things using the gameshark, and they worked fine. mabey if I just go back and play swamps of naboo again, i cant think of anything else.

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This probably won't help, but I just want to be sure:

You said you're pressing "L2+X" to do the long range moves. Are you pressing those at the same time? That could be your problem. If so, try pressing (and holding) L2 first, then pressing X, and then releasing both.


Like I said, probably won't help, but it's all I can think of.



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Guest Obi-Juan Kenobi

Hey, thanks, i really appreciate your help. Although I am sure that I am holding down L2 and Than pressing X, anyway thanks!!




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Guest DarthMace

<center> thats odd even i the master of mace windu dosn't even know the answer to this riddle



(saying that just gave me some bad vibes)





DarthMace the evil clone of Mace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


member of the un-council

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Guest Obi-Juan Kenobi

awww frown.gif I guess it is just a scratch or something frown.gif, (sigh) well if anyone happenes to have the same problem, let me know, thanks.




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Guest Darth Wart

I think your disc may be defective; because I've been in this board for ages answering questions and that's the FIRST time anything like that has ever come up.


My advice? Rent (or buy and quickly return) JPB from somewhere and load the problem characters. If you have the long-range force, then you know it's YOUR disc. You might even be sneaky and return your old disk, but that's only if you've no sense of shame.


Incidentally, when you call your post again to the top (something nobody minds, especially for a maddening problem), do us the favor of deleting the "I need to keep this at the top" post, AFTER you post it. That way, it'll retain it's position at the top and no new post will have been added.


Because the way you're doing it right now looks pretty dumb, Obi-Juan.






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Guest Obi-Juan Kenobi

I have tried deleting it before, and it said I was not authorized to do that. I dont get it, I e-mailed someone about it, but I havnt heard from them.




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