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Knight-Stick Saber Hilt


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I thought I'd post this here first. Everyone liked my Mag-Lite Saber, and someone mentioned a real Mag-Lite, to which someone replied, "That's a nightstick!"


Inspiration struck. So, here it, my Knight-Stick. Fully mod compatable, just like my Mag-Lite. It comes with two versions. One held forward, for offense, and one held backward for defense. I designed them, primarily for use in the left hand, with JediMod. To put it there, just type "hilt2 knightstick" or "hilt2 knightstick2"


So, here's a Preview:




And here's the download page:




Hope you like it.




[Edit: Knightstick link fixed]

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Deetox I think it was very appropriate of a joke! Seriously do they think only there kind can make jokes about anything. Hell black people all the time trash white people and its ok. But the other way around and its racisim! Really confusing huh?:confused:

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Well i didn't intend it to be insulting to anyone, guess i could have worded it differently but if you're implying i'm racist you can go to hell. 100 bucks says if i had made that joke and referred to a white person who got beat up you would'nt have said a bloody thing. Thats the problem with society today, you can say anything you want about a white person but if you say something about a black person you get nailed to the cross, i don't believe thats right. :mad:


but i do apologize for offending you, like i said it was not my intention.

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Originally posted by icepool

Deetox I think it was very appropriate of a joke! Seriously do they think only there kind can make jokes about anything. Hell black people all the time trash white people and its ok. But the other way around and its racisim! Really confusing huh?:confused:


thank you that is exactly how i feel.

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Hmm, Like I said I think you culturaly uneducated. Your living in what we call a streotype. You probably got your information from black comdian's on comdey central bashing white people. Your view of saying we can't make fun of blacks...We I think they KINDA of a right to say whatever they hell they want, Becasue of all the **** White people put them through.

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mushashi I dont want to fight you cause I appreciate all the stuff you've done for this community but come on the blacks and whites today had nothing to do with all the stuff that happened back then. It needs to end. Seriously you think the blacks were the only race ever to be enslaved? Comeon every race has. So really it was only a joke.

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Oh my.



Hey icepool...



Lets put it this way...


Africans were enslaved the most and put in the WORST conditions... Limbs were removed just because.



And dont forget the turmoil in 30's TV and FILM with all the racisim there... go rent amos and andy, its disgusting.


Lay off the crack's here bud..


Its not taken kindly.

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I don't want to fight ethier I only wanted to state how inapprioate it was, the cycle will never end, until someone says "ENOUGH". Thats all I wanted to say, I apologize if my statment got blown out of proportion.


Yeah I realize blacks were not the only enslaved race, But you gotta admit, White people in genreal are totally ignornate. I being a White kid growing up in NYC, I have seen my fair amount of ****. When I was a messanger I woked with the filth of NYC, So i have seen and heard it all. Believe me, Black people aren't pissed they just like to exploit our ignorance.

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Hell I definately dont believe slavery was right if it was up to me I would have never let them over here as slaves. If they wanted to come here they would have had to found there own way just like everyone else. I just dont believe I should have to suffer for things I havnt done or had anything to do with. I live in southflorida and let me tell you blacks and spanish people down here are ignorant. White people get trashed everyday down here just for being white its ridiculous. And Crosis chill out I was just making a point. No need to be rude. I took what he said as a joke but you damn well know if he was black and said that it would have been fine. Not to mention I have heard black people joke with a comment about that situation before very simularly. Every race is ignorant as for as I'm concerned. No one realises yet that there is only one race on this planet and its the human race.

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lol @crosis, screw you bud i will do and say whatever i please when i please, i have my own morals that i live by and i could care less if any of you agree with them or not. And mushasi icepool is right, you can't live in the past like that, the negro slave days are LONG over, that is not the world we live in today so it is not a valid point. I am NOT culturaly uneducated WHATSOEVER, i have lived around other cultures all my life, my entire neighborhood is east indian for crying out loud. I hate the way their food smells but other than that i have nothing against them, some have even been my friends as well as black people, so shut the hell up.

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Ya know, this is a nice little debate here, but really It's rather out of place. If you people have something to say about my hilt, please, by all means let me know. I plan to make more, and your input helps me make the next ones better. However, If you do not have a comment related to my hilts, the topic of this thread, Please do not post anymore. If this flaming contenues, I'm going to contact an admin and have this thread deleted. This is truely rediculous. (Please do not feel the need o reply to this message, that would only make this go on further.)


In conclusion, *ENOUGH, Period*



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well for the most part I found this an interesting Topic, I would recommend an absoulty fantastic read. The book "Stupid White Men" by Meachial Moore. It's a hilarious read, you manily talks about how stupid are president is and how werid our goverment is setup, but otherwise a great read. Plus there is a whole chapter deadicated to this topic, check it out.


Otherwise, I would recommend we drop the topic, it seems to be getting slightly out of hand.

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It's great Tekkiah, I'm going to have to send it to my brother, he's a former police officer (in the FBI now) and will get a huge kick out of that saber :D


Oh, and if we're recomending books try this as a great follow up to the book musashi recomended. Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right, by Ann Coulter. It's a great read

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