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script: rotating + moving up/down


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I´m trying to figure this combination out, but it just works the way I want: An object should move up and down and rotate continuously without any interfering.


I tried it with a func_rotate entity and used a script that should move it up and down. But somehow the rotation (ordere by the map) slows down (???) when it moves up for the first time.


So I tried to make everything with scripts but then the script changes direction of the rotation.

The loops and the movement are ok.


It would be a big help if someone knows how to make an object rotate 360° continuously with scripts

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what about putting the rotation parts of the script in a infinite loop?


from the manual:


If you wish a loop to continue forever, put a ?-1? in the loop number.


Loop ( -1 )


wait ( 3000 )

print ( ?Hello World!? )



This will make these two commands repeat forever or until these commands are flushed.

cant think why this shouldnt work with a brush rotation script though i havent tried it yet.

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