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Some warnings and arguments

Guest Darth Killa

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Guest Darth Killa

Just a warning for everyone. Don't knock Darth Maul off the plat forms in Final battle. I did that and he reappeared. Luckly I had Qui-Gon and i just used the combo s,s,t on him =-). I haven't tried that x,x combo on him yet. That might be cool.


You can also get stuck on ledges and automaticily die.


I almost forgot...When you are fighting Darth Maul in the last battle dont knock him in the little whole. Hes gone and your stuck in that screen forever.


You say that Qui-gon is the easiest to beat Darth maul but I believe its Obi. I never got hit once with Obi. All I did was push square. It totally kicks his ass.



Darth Killa



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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

I thought it was hard with obi. I finally killed him by using that square,square,square combo. I thought it was sort of cheap though.......




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