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What's your scariest moment in JPB?

Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

I just had mine today. i was at the point where two cars start to fly towards you and crash into a taxi infront of you. Here just as the car neared me a green guy upper-cutted me. I barely held on to the taxi i was on. I immediately jumped on to the car behind me as the flying car hit the taxi i was on. Pretty scary.... That poor green guy was never seen again...




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Guest Darth Killa

Mine is just that level Cesuant or how ever you spell it. I fall at least 2 times each time I play that level and its all because i jump and get shot in the air.

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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

Yeah that's so annoying. No matter how many times i've played that level, I always get shot at least once by those stupid darth maul probes.

Which level are you on Darth Killa?

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Guys, when playing Coruscant, you know how you get shot down, while jumping from slanted rooftop to slanted roof top?


Just jump around on each slanted roof top for a bit, until all the droids fire - then you have a few seconds of time to make the jump to the next building, with safety of not being shot down in the gap between the buildings.

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Guest Plo Koon

Just yesterday, my friend and I beat Coruscant on two player mode. Not as hard as looks, but what really made me mad was right before the boss, some green guy knoked me off of the platform. That was our last credit too. So I had to watch my friend beat the boss and root for him.




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Guest Fenix

The scariest part in JPB is fighting Darth Maul with low health. I get scared of those deadly combos. The green guys nearly knocking you off of a building on Coruscant are pretty nerve wracking too.



"I am the light that cuts through the darkness."

-Fenix, wielder of the Spirit Blade

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Guest JediDiego

Mine was when I see my credits being blown away from me when my little brother dies with the Coruscant thugs.

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Guest DarthMace

<font color=red> <center> mine was in two player mode when me and my friend jump at the same time to the last building before part two of Coruceant and a droid blasted both of us and we fall and barely grab hold of the edge of the building





DarthMace the evil twin of JediMace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


member of the un-council

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[This message has been edited by DarthMace (edited May 07, 2000).]

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Guest DarthMace

<font color=red> <center> i just uppercut them back to srupress my rage and everyone has an uppercut combo of their own





DarthMace the evil twin of JediMace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


member of the un-council

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[This message has been edited by DarthMace (edited May 07, 2000).]

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Guest KI Adi Mundi

Hey DarthMace, you might want to try a lighter shade of red. Yours are just too tough to read.

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Guest DarthMace

<font color=crimson> <center> color test # 1





DarthMace the evil twin of JediMace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


member of the un-council

team coach


[This message has been edited by DarthMace (edited May 08, 2000).]

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Guest DarthMace

<font color=red> <center> color test # 2





DarthMace the evil twin of JediMace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


member of the un-council

team coach


[This message has been edited by DarthMace (edited May 08, 2000).]

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Guest DarthMace

<font color=brick> color test # 3





DarthMace the evil twin of JediMace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


member of the un-council

team coach


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Guest DarthMace

<font color=redorange> test # 4





DarthMace the evil twin of JediMace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


member of the un-council

team coach


[This message has been edited by DarthMace (edited May 08, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by DarthMace (edited May 08, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by DarthMace (edited May 08, 2000).]

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Guest DarthMace

<font color=orangered> <center> ok people which one do you like #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 (#5 is this one)





DarthMace the evil twin of JediMace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


member of the un-council

team coach


[This message has been edited by DarthMace (edited May 08, 2000).]

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Guest Acid_Rain327

I'd go with one, but I'd have to see how it looks against the lighter background.

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Guest DarthMace

<font color=crismon> <center> you like it acid





DarthMace the evil twin of JediMace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


member of the un-council

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