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XSI and GLM files


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I can't find anything about this, so:


As I see it (as a beginner), once you have created a player model, you must find a way to animate it. This is usually done for JK2 by weighting your model to the root.xsi skeleton. This is a problem for non 3dsMAX users because there is currently no importer/exporter for XSI files for gmax/milkshape etc.


How does this mixture between the model (modelname.glm) and the animated skeleton (root.xsi) work? When you are weighting the model, you are obviously using a skeleton you have extracted from the JK2 PAKs. How does your model reference that when converted from MD3 to GLM and put into a PAK with its textures, shaders and skins? Why can't (in theory) modeller animate their own models and why doesn't anybody write a XSI importer/exporter for gmax?


It's all rather confusing, really!

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