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The way they should have done it...

Guest crazy_dog

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Guest crazy_dog

Those terrorists are damn stupid. Thay should have taken hostages. That whay the might have got some money (although that's unlikely), plus less people would have been killed.


Anyways, what's blowing up tall buildiongs got to do with Islam (presuming terrorists are muslim extremists). I mean according to most religieons, living things should live in peace and harmony with each other ( I don't want to sound like a hippy here). So doeng this would be against thier releigion right?

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Their are two kinds of moslims. I don't know their names, but one is a peacefull kind while the other ... will use everything they can get to spread the islam.


Taking hostages will not influence a nation. This way, the terrorists attacked America's Symbolism, it's economy and it's defense. Also, for some religious dieing in a way like this is a ticket to heaven ...


I think the terrorist achieved pretty well what they intended to do ... Tom Clancy couldn't write it 'better'.

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Guest Boba Rhett

Their beliefs has been twisted so badly that now they believe that killing Americans will help them get into heaven. They don't want money. That's the worst part. They just want us to die.


The part that makes me the most mad is that they used our own planes and people as missles.

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There will allways be war about religions. This past week I saw terrified little catholic girls going to school that were shouted at, called whore and there even was a pipe bomb threwn at them! This happened in Ireland. The students had to be escorted by the military.:(


Religion brings war to some,

but for others it also brings hope.


I absolutly HATE what the terrorists have done. But you also have to look at how they executed this. It was pretty well done. Which makes me fear them more.

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I heard a fact that said that nearly every war after the rise of rome but before the turn of the century was fought for religious purposes. and before Rome, it was the same way. Rome just wanted to conquer, everyone else fought for a purpose.


Anyways, the Muslims believe that their "god" tells them that they must fight the religious war. They call it there jihad. they consider it there duty to commit these acts for their god and nation, and they believe that they get into heaven if they do suicide bombing etc. Pathetic really.....

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Guest die rebel scum
Ok, guys lets get this straight. China has nuclear weapons. The other countries with nuclear weapons are: USA, Russia, France, UK, Isreal, India, and Pakistan. Iraq, Libya, Iran, and North Korea are suspected to have some type of nuclear capability. Its not just the USA and Russia. Lots of people can have a nuke. Their not very rare any more.





3 words world war three!!!

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Guest Admiral Odin

It doesn't. M.A.D. prevents that. Mutually Assured Destruction. China won't use them because they won't survivie are retaliation same goes for other countries.

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Guest Crackercho

Die rebel scum I think that you don't believe what you are saying. If you believe that this is the begining of ww3 then what are you doing at your computer instead of doing the things that you wanna do before you die?

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Guest Crackercho

Oh I have said this before.To happen ww3 there must be a massive conflict.Like a country which has nuclear arsenal that attacks another country with nuclear arsenal.

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Guest Hannibal
Originally posted by Young David

Also, for some religious dieing in a way like this is a ticket to heaven ...


For Islam that isn't a ticket to heaven. The leaders of these groups convince the followers that that is there ticket. Put know where in any religion will you find that killing is the ticket to heaven.

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Originally posted by Hannibal


For Islam that isn't a ticket to heaven. The leaders of these groups convince the followers that that is there ticket. Put know where in any religion will you find that killing is the ticket to heaven.


Well, it may not say that it is there ticket to heaven, but Muslims are called to preform a jihad, or a holy war. So, in a way, it does say that by dying, and "fighting for your faith," they can get to heaven.

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Guest Gamma732
Originally posted by Admiral Odin

It doesn't. M.A.D. prevents that. Mutually Assured Destruction. China won't use them because they won't survivie are retaliation same goes for other countries.


You're right about MAD preventing China from nuking us. The only problem in MAD is that while it worked in the Cold War it won't work now. Thats because the USA and Russia knew what they had and what it could do, and neither side wanted a nuclear holocaust.

Today, however, nukes are not rare at all, as I've stated before. The US and the Russians were relatively level headed, but now for the right price, anyone, in theory, can get a nuke. And do people like bin Laden seem level headed? Ha! Nowadays we don't have to worry about governments with nukes, we need to worry about the extremist groups.

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Those terrorists are damn stupid. Thay should have taken hostages. That whay the might have got some money (although that's unlikely), plus less people would have been killed.


Anyways, what's blowing up tall buildiongs got to do with Islam (presuming terrorists are muslim extremists). I mean according to most religieons, living things should live in peace and harmony with each other ( I don't want to sound like a hippy here). So doeng this would be against thier releigion right?


Actually, the right thing to do... would be not doing it at all! :([

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