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Da jedi is inviseble!

Guest Gary The Gungan

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Guest Gary The Gungan

Hido dere! Mesa Gary, and mesa bort da game yesterday. I tink dere bein a little pwoblem doh. You see, when de carecter runnin out of da room on Level 1, you can see him. But when he stops runnin, and he's just standin still, he's inviseble! Mesa no joken, hesa no haven a lightsaber or nuttin! An dis for all five jedi. But when mesa ataken or runnin or sumphen, you can see him! Help!




Gary The Gungan

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Guest Dave Maul

Ahh, Gary. Good to see you here. So, who's in the mood for a little Gungan translation lesson?


"Hello there! I'm Gary, and I bought the game yesterday. I think there is a little problem though. You see, when the character is running out of the room on Level 1, you can see him. But when he stops running, and he's just standing still, he's invisible! I'm not joking, he hasn't got a Lightsaber or nothing! And this is for all 5 Jedi. But when I'm attacking or running or something, you can see him! Help!" - Translated from Gungan to Basic.


Never heard of that problem before. I think you should take it back and get a replacement.




Dave Maul

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Guest Darth Wart

This problem has only happened to me using a gameshark.


My character (except for the lightsaber) was completely invisible throughout the entirety of level 4; I was just a glowing blade.


Made the jumps really interesting.


eef yousa no usee gameshark, me havee no ideeee






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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Shouldn't that be "mesa have no idee."?




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Guest Acid_Rain327

LOL, for your reading pleasure, I will translate the entire message in proper (yeah, ok, I know) Gunganese.


"Heddo Dalee! Mesa called Gary da Gungan - mesa boughten disen game yesterday! Isa bombad game, bout... meesa tinken dere bein' ahhh... itty bitty accidentee. Yousa mighten be sayin', when da bombad jedi be runnin out da room on Level 1, yousa be seein' hisen. Bout... when hesa stopin' runnin', and hesa no movin', yousa not be seein' hisen no more! Mesa noooo joken, hesa no haven da lightsaber or nuttin! An' disen be for all da jedi. But when da Jedi startin' hesa runnin', youa be seein' hesa again! Mesa tinken disa nutsee; mesa all worried, an' no playin', and needin' help! If yousa help my, mesa will be your humble servant!"

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Guest Darth skywalker

Mesa have no idea either Gary.I think you should return it.



*Darth skywalker*

Dark sith lord of humor*


Member of the Un-council.




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