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ending a level


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When an NPC dies, its spawn point fires at anything you have it targeted at. So, just target the spawnpoint at a target_level_change, or, have it targeted at a target_scriptrunner, run the script, to make a short cinematic sequence happen, and do a use(<that target_level_change>) or, you know, whatever you want to do.



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If you have the last SDK for jk2, there's a program named behavED and a doc manual for it called ICARUS scripting manual (something like that). Open the program to get familiar with and read the instructions in the manual to get an idea.


Probably you will ask it here again. I would write a brief tutorial about how to run scripts in map and scripts itself but i prefer you to read the manual first.


When you finish reading, simply ask.

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If you got the SDK, there should be a .zip file in the place you put all the other stuff (usually, your "Tools" folder) called SPScripts. In there is every script used in the SP game in text format. You can just pop them open in wordpad, or unzip them to a folder and look at them in BehavED. The scripts for the cinematic sequences are there.... Although you can't look at anything that is inside a .roq files (like the beginning crawler, or the view of the ravenclaw flying) but you can look at the code behind the one where kyle and jan are talking in the beginning. It's called "cinematic1.txt" or something of the like. In the cinematics directory in the SPscripts.txt, there are all the cinematics, so have fun checking them out!

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The most important commands are documented. Set is the most important command in there, since it does most of the actual work. Sound and camera are important, since they also do work. affect is important, since it allows you to use set commands on stuff... task/do/wait/dowait are important, since they allow you to control the way everything moves. Check those out first and foremost.

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