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Suggestion for Kanigget and Wart

Guest Darth Killa

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Guest Darth Killa

Hey i have a suggestion for your stratigity guide. I think you should put points needed for level to obtain all powers.


For example:


level 1: you need 25,000 pts on one player to extra health at top. You need 12,500 for two player mode to get it.


level 2: you need 20,000 pts to get your Force circle power.


Those are all I know right now. When I have more time like next weekend I can report more.


You can also tell them and easy way to beat the boss in tatoine. All I do is stay where I came in and first he knocks bolders down and then show up straight to the left. Then he see you and runs away. I let him and stay. He will come past you so you jolt to the left with him he will see you and head straight for you. Then you follow him and hit him with force circle. reapeat to beat =-).


Well if you understood that it would be a nice addition to your guide =-).



Darth Killa

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