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Im looking for someone to start playing JK2 with.....


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Hey ppls i was just looking for someone to start playing jk2 with like a buddy or something.I am not new to the game or anything but i think it would be fun to play with someone that is not in a clan.U know like a lonely fighter.Maybe we could hook up and play da game together.I usualy just play by myself and now i would like to have someone to play with thats around my age.Im 13 so it would be cool to play with someone around 13,14,15 around there.BTW i dont suck just cuz i am 13.Reason i say that is cuz lots of ppls think us 13 year old punks who play suck,lol.But i dont.But anyways it would be fun!!!

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im a bit older than all of you but i own a clan if you would like to join us then you are more than welcome i am inviting players of all ages and abilities we have our own site at http://www.nairbsamoht.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk i will train you up to be a very good player at this game so you can kik some server ass.if after you are interested then you can contact me via email at http://www.brian_andrew_t@hotmail.com leave your name date of birth and a little about yourself. this informaition will go in the players profile section of the site in the members area.

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