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Excelsior to Catscratch!!!


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After 5 gruesome weeks of learning terrain, Catscratch has finally given me useful EAsyGen information.... My terrain has loaded in game, only problem was that I used the Starfield Sky Shader and hence my entire level is dark. This is due to no light entities...lol...

But, I did see my snowy peaks against the sky.... !


* does a little dance*


After work tonight, Great White North ( Imperial Brewery) is to begin!!!!


I do believe Catscratch that your tutorial for me that you posted, along with a basics of easygen should be written for Jedi Outcast.

And it should be posted in sticky stuff or as a guest lecturer thing on Dickie's site.......So get cracking! lol

This Hoser thanks you!!

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Welp, this has pretty much consumed a month and a half for me learning this terrain...and honestly if it wouldn't work, I was gonna give up on JO mapping and build for Return to Castle Wolfenstein instead.....The snowy landscape is essential just to show that my Imperial Brewery is part of an actual world.


Most of my architecture is based on RTCW anyhow, as with gameplay too...no force or saber powers...just blasters and whatnot else...I am not only doing this because I find 20 reborn in a level dull, but, I want to piss off all those people who like jedi powers after they download my level..lol




Anyhow, thanks again!

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actually no, because I have rebuilt stuff constantly....then i had the great Re-formatting fiasco a month or so ago...then I had to resintall Radiant and whatnot...

I also have no where to post said screenshots too if i did because I have no website to link them too.

So, I figured, I 'll just learn terrain... and fool about with patch meshes, and get some designs down in editor, all for fooling around purposes....until terrain comes about...

i also need to build from the beginning and not piece by piece....been there, done that, screwed up!!




to Warmaster...


Yes, an Imperial Brewery....!

Actually, Imperial Brewery is just a cleaver title...

Here is some background to my level for you....so it all makes sense, lol...


The Remnant are in tough shape money-wise. So they are thinking outside the box in terms of their strategy. This is much like we do daily at Home Depot ( We're not in money trouble, we're jsut a different kinda compnay!). So, The base Commander of this old research lab has remodled a bit and started a microbrewery under the label '' Imperial Ale ". This outpost produces this beer, and some seedy elements ( Rodians ) make most of this shipping runs for them.... In turn, said base gives 33% of its profits to the Empire, and uses the rest to run the base and continue the operation...lol....


The bases research areas are still up and running, and i'll have some suprises in there .... there is also going to be a prison level,

Warehouse, underground springs, Hangar bay, Base commander's personal dining hall...amongst some other things i'll not let out yet...

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ya now, I changed the skybox to Kejim's one and found out that my terrain is showing up as black....why is this...?

I thought this was due to the fact that i used the stars shader, and it jsut didn't emit enough light...


Also, why is it that the highest part of m terrain has a HOM effect?


Also Also wik... I use both JK radiant and GTK radiant.... IN GTK radiant it shows texture in the skies directory, but in JKR, it ony shows a texture called sky? and no pictures as well....


this is confusing me...

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jk2radiant is qeradiant for jk2 and it shows skies as you mentioned. I'm completely new to GTKradient that ive just installed it and never built or compiled a map yet.


Well i never get light problems cuz i use global light everytime. I haven't tried those skies which light the level.


Anyway, the computer at work shows the texture which "sky" written on it but it doesnt even show it at home :D


About your mission(I call it that way after i read your story). The story looks impressive. If you accept an advice from me, don't even start building the map(s) unless you put the story into details. First, finish the story with every aspect, then start building. Otherwise you would get bored about building after sometime.

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