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darth maul model download problem


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hi i downloaded the 5 lightsaber rated darth maul model and iam trying to use this model to play as in sp. The problem is that iam invisible, but when i get shot i can see that the model has loaded just no textures. if someone could help that would be cool. Also the model came with a double bladed lightsaber so how do i turn on the other end of the light saber? one last question i also downloaded yoda so how do i spawn him in sp? thanks

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I can answer but one of your questions... Only because I never put any of my personal skins/models I downloaded into sp. But if you want to activate his other end I suggest you open the debug menu (shift ~) and type "helpusobi 1" then type in "thedestroyer". I hope that helps. Oh and in order for thedestroyer to work your saber must be turned off. (press the saber activation button while the saber is selected)

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