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New + Modified skins


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i dunno if i can though :mad: . I used the Bespin Cop model...so he has a lil hat on. I wanted to try to make it look like a helmet so I just colored over his ears and the sides of his head. You can see the first version of him in the skins section...i took off his a face mask he had on and fixed his helmet and stuff. Also changed the color of his clothes a bit and put belt buckles connecting his vest. Changed his armguards a bit too. Hes not done though...so I'll change some more stuff on him...thats why I didn't include his legs. The kyle one...I smoothed out some things and put a clothe texture on his shirt and pants. Changed some colors of his clothes also and added team support for multiplayer. He was my first skin so I thought I could touch it up a bit. The Desann one I just started. Then...there is a Jedi skin I did that I'm gonna work on...a lot. People didn't like him as much so I plan on fixing him up real good. Then I also got a Saesee Tiin model I'm working on...but I dun know how to model gewd so that is taking awhile. Then school work of course.....yep. Got some work ahead of me:p . FUN work though.


I wanted to change Luke to the bespin guy...cuz when you get to fight alongside Luke....thought that my Kyle and my Bespin Cop have close to the same sorta clothes on. Look like a good team:D .

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