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Duplicate posts

Guest Weasel

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Okay, I know I'm not the oldest one (board wise) here but there seem to be a lot of double posts going on. I don't mind it happening a few times but its starting to get to the point where half of a thread are repeated posts. I believe you (if you are the author of a double post) can delete the repeated post using your edit post option. I am not saying this to offend anyone but I think myself and probably many others are getting tired of reading the same thing twice. It would also help clean up the board. Thanks.


--The Weasel

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Oh crap, I thought this would happen.

Listen all, I'm really sorry! Last night, when I posted (or tried to rather) the first thread, the page wouldn't load; instead of uploading the new thread, I got a "page cannot be opened" or "Warning: page has expired!" notices, and I assumed the new thread had failed to load. So, I tried multiple times to get it to load up -- this was the result.

I'm really sorry, and by the time you've read this, I'll have deleted the duplicate threads.

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Hey man, not harping on anyone at all - just thought it may be a good idea. I realize that much of it happens due to the performance (or lack thereof) of this server just thought it would be good practice that once you see a duplicate of yours just take it off. No offence intended to anyone.


--The Weasel




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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Right, this is getting old. Will someone in power at least try and explain why some posts don't show up, even after nine hours?




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Guest Dave Maul

Bah! What's going on? I still can't see the last 3 posts.


May I suggest that instead of deleting the topics, the mods and admins move some of them onto another JPB board? Not all of them, but the really old discussions about cheats and Ki-Adi-Mundi.




Dave Maul

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Good points all around. I hate having to constantly delete people's double posts, when they can do it themselves (and have been able to for a long time).


Do yourself and us a favor, clean up after yourselves if your computer, your ISP, or you yourself screw up! Thanks. ; )



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Guest Qui-gon John

Actuall up untill a couple weeks ago, i didnt know you could delete your own post, reason being I tried it once and it said you dont have permisioon to do this, but when i tried it a couple days later, I was able to, but I will be sure to delet any double post.

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To Kurgan:


Sorry to put this on you but you seem to be the only mod actually moderating. Is there any way you can check to see if the problem stems from the jediknight server and if it can be fixed? I don't think the problem lies with the personal computer since the problem seems to occur in different countries and different conditions. Wart for instance uses a 56K modem from the US (I think) and has problems. I use a T1 from Switzerland and have problems (and they are getting worse). Just wondering if something can be done on the servers end to help speed things up.


--The Weasel




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See? It works. That feature was added with the last UBB update (whenever that was.. ages ago).


This forum is already so cluttered, it's impossible to clean it up without simply wiping out most of the old posts (a 100 day prune). Do you realize they date back to 4/00? So many posts on people asking how to post pictures, and other crap.



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