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Help with Weighting


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Ive made a simple model to test out just for fun, Im onto weighting now, but then Im unclear about how to weight the hand and the fingers, do I need to weight each finger to each of the small little bones or can I just weight everything under 1 hand bone?


and also, do the caps need to be weighted ?

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That depends on if you want animated fingers or not. If you weight all the fingers to just the hand bone, then they won't grip around the lightsaber properly, or hold guns properly. However, if you actually are noticing this in multiplayer, you are probably not paying enough attention to actually playing the game. ;)

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What I mean is that it won't appear that the character is holding the lightsaber properly, unless your hands are modelled so that they are in a gripping shape.


Take the default raven hands. If you weight the whole thing to just the hand bone, when your model is holding the lightsaber, the fingers will be in the same pose that the model was made in, so the fingers will be sticking out more, instead of wrapped around the saber hilt.


Basically if you weight your fingers to finger bones, they will wrap around the lightsaber hilt and other weapons properly, making it look better.

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