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Jedimod grappling hook


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The hook is pretty neat, and it works like a dream and all... but it seems a little lacking in the style department. Someone should do a bit of work on it (I'm mostly an idea man and a dabbler, so dont look at me), and add some animations, and maybe some sounds or a more detailed projectile model, or something. As it is, you stand stock still, a glowing yellow blob shoots out of somewhere on your body, and you continue standing stock still as you fly through the air. Maybe some kind of throw animation could be used when it is fired (even the 'punch' animation would probably look good), and then the jump animation for when you are being pulled.


(and maybe it could have its own console command. I was going through livingdeadjedi's jabba map, and I had to fire the hook everytime I wanted to activate an elevator.)

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